• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Captain Oats

I'm worse than you at TCG.
Hey guys I'm looking to make this deck run a little bit better. Somehow i don't lose hardly ever with this. I'm open to any and all suggestions.

Pokemon- 21
4-2-1 Typhlosion- HS
4-2 Gyrados- HS
3-1 Arcanine- HS
1-1Glaceon- RR
1-1Flareon- UD
Trainers/Supporters- 16
4 Pokemon Communication
1 Team Rocket's Trickery
1 Prof. Oaks New Theory
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Bill
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
1 Pokeball
2 Moo Moo Milks
1 Fisherman
Energy- 23
12 Fire Energy
11 Water Energy

Mainly i always have a Cyndaquil or Eevee in my starting hand with usually 2 or more search cards. So i quickly have a Typhlosion or Glaceon out by turn 3 or 2. While one of those is out i build up my bench just in case. But usually i can snipe my opponents bench with Glaceon or just Take out all my opponents cards with Typhlosion. And because i have so many energy, i don't have to worry about being energy dry. Somehow this deck works for me, even though i know it's not that good.

Yeah so i know this deck is gonna get ripped on by everyone here... but that's alright. I know for a fact there's tons of noob mistakes in this deck... i know i shouldn't have as many energy as i do, the bad trainers and supporters (like Bill) that i do, and the builds that i have. But even knowing all that, i don't really know what to do. Help is appreciated.
Well seeing as Typhlosion seems to be the main powerhouse behind this deck, we'll base the deck around it. It will make the deck more consistent as a whole and it will provide the deck with a bit more focus as well as getting rid of all the unecessay pokemon. So first we need a base, might i suggest

3 Cyndiquil HGSS
3 Quilava HGSS
2 Typhlosion HGSS
1 Typhlosion Prime

Typhlosion prime is more of a tech card than an attacker but it can attack if necessary but it's only really here to be used in conjuction with Typhlosion to try and use Fire Spin a bit more consistently which does help KO those higher HP pokemon. Typhlosion can deal quite alot of damage by itself so there isn't really much of a need to add any secondary attackers so we'll just focus on other techs that could help. Ninetales HGSS is one card you could consider - It's poké-power allows a player to discard a {R} from there hand to draw 4 cards from there deck. This helps in 2 ways; 1) helps draw into your deck fatser, which allows you to grab certain cards quicker. 2) can be used in conjuction with Typhlosion prime to charge up {R} pokemon faster (this is more of a late-game benefit) Other possible techs are

Heatran lvX (so you can fire spin turn after turn, though setting up Heatran lvX can be a hassle)
Bronzong SF (Helps draw into {R} which can be useful with Ninetales HGSS
Spiritomb AR (Can be used as a great starter for this deck seeing as Typhlosions early game options are minimal)
Uxie LA (A staple used in all decks. This is the main source of draw power in this format)

Here's a little sample pokemon line you can toy around with

3-3-2/1 Typhlosion (2 HGSS / 1 Prime)
2-2 Ninetales HGSS
3 Spiritomb AR
1 Uxie LA
1 Smeargle UD
1 Unown Q
If you want to make a Typhlosion deck like x empoleon x said follow along those lines. I definitely recommend using Heatran x, though it is hard to set up. Being able to attack for 120 every turn is pretty good except this deck may be a little slow. You could run 4 level max to make heatran level up on your bench.