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TyRam (Reshiram & Typhlosion)


I knew I'd eventually return to you.
Since Magneboar hasn't been working as great as I thought it would, I decided I would move on to TyRam or Reshiplosion.

~Pokemon: 18
4 Reshiram
3-2-3 Typhlosion Prime (HGSS Cyndaquil and Quilava)
2-2 Ninetales (Roast Reveal and CoL Vulpix)
2 Cleffa

~ I/S/S: 29
2 Pokemon Collector (I'll say this now. I only own 2 of these in total.)
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Professor Juniper
2 Sage's Training
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Junk arm
3 Dual Ball
3 Plus Power
4 Rare Candy
1 Energy Retrieval
1 Revive

~ Energy: 14
14 {R} Energy

Strategy: Get a Ninetales and at least 1 Typhlosion up by T2 or T3 and use Ninetales for drawpower. Start swarming Reshiram and get another Typhlosion up as well. Start Blue Flaring turn after turn with Afterburners and just keep throwing Reshirams out there. Cleffa is for bad starts or bad hands.
All constructive criticism is welcome and thanks.
I'd go 2 Cleffa over 1-1 Cleffa/Tyrogue. Tyrogue doesn't really help much. You put 30 on something, great. Reshiram OHKOs everything anyway. Better get to the setup faster. (If you play Tyrogue for the possibility of donking, then I don't like you.)

Similarly, I think Judge is pretty terrible in this list. I usually want to Roast Reveal every turn so I have an ungodly hand size by turn 4 or so. Judging will basically mean you lose 10 cards in exchange for 4 random ones. Not a good deal. You already have 2 PONT, should be more than enough refreshing.
Getting an early setup seems way better than an early Judge, so go with some Collectors.
The single Energy Retrieval seems a bit random, but it's still better than the single Reversal.

-2 Judge
+2 Collector
-1 Tyrogue
+1 Cleffa
-1 Reversal
+1 Retrieval

Yup. Looking. Pretty. Good.
Play Vulpix UL instead of COL
The Unleashed one has more HP, the COL one gets sniped by Linear Attack + Spray Splash.
@ Stealth - I like the 2nd suggestion but i'm iffy on the 1st one. From testing, judge has disrupted well and I always draw into a fire for ninetales. Also is there something else you might suggest other than collector since I only own 2 copies.

@ Shaymin - I do like that one slightly more. I'll remember to get some soon since I dont have any.
I honestly don't see the need for 4 Reshiram. I often pull off enough KOs with just 3 and the Revive. Either way, I can still just Junk Arm the Revive too.
As I play TyRam occasionally myself, I have a few changes for you.

-2 Cleffa I don't run starters in my Reshiphlosion and it works just fine. If you want some I'd use Manaphy instead
-2 Judge this isn't a disruption deck and it doesn't have yanmega so you really don't need this
-2 PONT Juniper works better in this deck in my opinion since you can recover stuff from the discard
-3 Dual Ball I prefer the consistency that Collector provides so I'd max out that instead of this
-2 Defender I find that there are much better things to put in this deck, if you are worried about the OHKO by other Reshiram, you just use PlusPower to ensure that you KO back
-2 Fire Energy 12 is the most I need, this makes room for some rescue

+1 Manaphy hand refresh that won't be donked by Tyrogue or killed by lone Yanmega
+2 Pokemon Collector without the Dual Balls this must be maxed
+1 Sage's Training I find a 2-2 split of this and Juniper allows me to recover from Judge if I don't have Ninetales and it also lets you discard fire energy
+1 PlusPower this allows you to OHKO enemy Reshiram, Zekrom, and the occasional Blastoise, immensely helpful
+1 Rare Candy 3-4 of these are necessary for consistency since they can't be searched out
+2 Professor Juniper hand refresh that lets you discard fire energy
+2 Rescue Energy these let you get back defeated Reshiram and Typhlosion while paying their energy cost.
+3 Pokemon Reversal maxing this out to guarentee that you can get a heads when you need one
I do like some of these changes and I'll toy around with some and get back to this. However, as I have already stated I only own 2 Collectors. I also don't have multiple copies of some other things but hopefully, I'll figure something out.
Bump to 1st page. Took out Reversal, Judges, Defenders, and a Junk Arm for maxed out PONT, Junipers, another Sage's, Reshiram and a fourth Rare Candy.

After testing a bit the deck sets up smoother than it used to so anything else?