• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Tyranitar バンギラス 「Battle Roads 9/18 ~ Masters」

S Reaper Ichigo

Aspiring Trainer
ポケットモンスター 「24」
「4」 Tyranitar <UL 88>
「4」 Pupitar <SF 47>
「4」 Larvitar <UL 51>
「2」 Manectric <PL 11>
「2」 Electrike <PL 74>
「3」 Spiritomb <AR 32>
「2」 Uxie <LA 43>
「1」 Unown Q <MD 49>
「1」 Umbreon <UD 10>
「1」 Eevee <MD 63>

サポーター 「12」
「3」 Bebe's Search
「3」 Pokémon Collector
「3」 Professor Oak's New Theory
「1」 Judge
「1」 Lucian's Assignment
「1」 Palmer's Contribution

グッズ 「8」
「3」 Expert Belt
「2」 Bench Shield
「2」 Warp Point
「1」 Luxury Ball

スタジアム 「2」
「2」 Broken Time Space

エネルギー 「14」
「6」 Darkness Energy
「4」 Special Darkness Energy
「4」 Double Colorless Energy

  • Was also thinking about fitting in another Broken Time Space, Bebe's Search and Judge, but I'm not too sure how yet. I was also playing around with the idea to get rid of 1 Tyranitar and 1 Pupitar, but I'm not totally sold yet. Having 4 of each makes it not too worrisome if I discard some or some get knocked out earlier, but having less let's me add in more cards.


ー「2」 Pokémon HANDY910is

+「1」 Umbreon <UD 10>
+「1」 Eevee <MD 63>

Changed for my assumption of Donphan being a contender.


ー「3」 Sableye <SF 48>
ー「2」 Team Rocket's Trickery
ー「2」 Judge
ー「1」 Department Store Girl
ー「2」 Rare Candy
ー「1」 Darkness Energy

+「1」 Pupitar <SF 47>
+「3」 Spiritomb <AR 32>
+「1」 Pokémon Collector
+「1」 Professor Oak's New Theory
+「2」 Expert Belt
+「2」 Pokémon Communication
+「1」 Double Colorless Energy

Finally got to play against a Sablelock deck today, however, I didn't do all that well. Toxicroak G with an Expert Belt is pretty annoying to go against, not to mention spread tactics early on are a waste due to Garchomp C LVX. Umbreon did help a bit in one game though. Also, kind of wished I had Judge again after trainer locking the early game a bit to get rid of their massive hand. Not to mention Ambipom G messing with my energy hurt a bunch since I can never seem to draw enough of what I need. Makes me wonder if I should revamp the deck some more into a different direction.


+「1」 Pupitar <SF 47>
+「1」 Expert Belt
+「2」 Broken Time Space
+「1」 Professor Oak's New Theory
+「1」 Judge
+「1」 Lucian's Assignment
+「2」 Darkness Energy

-「2」 Rare Candy
-「2」 Pokémon Communication
-「1」 Bebe's Search
-「1」 Pokémon Collector
-「3」 Call Energy

Was also thinking about fitting in another Broken Time Space, Bebe's Search and Judge, but I'm not too sure how yet. I was also playing around with the idea to get rid of 1 Tyranitar and 1 Pupitar, but I'm not totally sold yet. Having 4 of each makes it not too worrisome if I discard some or some get knocked out earlier, but having less let's me add in more cards.
RE: Tyranitar バンギラス 「Battle Roads ~ Masters」

you can take out 2 Pokémon HANDY910is for 2 expert belt. other wise it's a nice deck. most tyranitar decks do usually use spiritomb AR over sableye SF to lower the opponents set up speed. but thats up to you.

and Erza over Lucy!?!? yeah ^^ in her lolita dress XD ( fairy tail right? )

RE: Tyranitar バンギラス 「Battle Roads ~ Masters」

>> Aburame Yuki

2 Expert Belts seem like a little much. I'm not always going to need it, I just figured that tossing in 1 would give me more options at times and give Department Shop Girl more usage.

I think I'll test out the Spiritombs over Sableyes in the future to see which gets set up faster/better than the opponent.

Yup. Fairy Tail. ~

>> tyrannitar trainer

How would you propose to do that while keeping the deck fast enough and consistent. Without Claydol, it seems even hard to do.

Thanks for the replies!
RE: Tyranitar バンギラス 「Battle Roads ~ Masters」

Nice decklist format, you got there, trainer.

By any chances, a switch from one Basic dark to another DCE would be ideal....

Also, switch out TR's Trickey for another Collector and PONT. Consistency improvement never hurts. ;)
RE: Tyranitar バンギラス 「Battle Roads ~ Masters」

>> Mew Jadester

Thank you~

Not 100% sure on reducing my Darkness Energy count. However, if I get a chance to test my deck out next week, I could try it out.

Not too sure about adding another Pokémon Collector in. While it would be fantastic to always have one opening hand, I typically dead draw on them later in the game way too often. If I do add Spiritomb in though, I may try to add a 4th in so that even without Sableye's search power, I can get them to my hand reasonable. Another Professor Oak's New Theory doesn't seem too bad.

>> miniman

Would Broken Time Space really help my deck out that much? If I draw it early on with my lines, I can see it, but otherwise, wouldn't it be more of a dead draw?

Uxie LVX seems like a decent addition, just too bad that I don't have the resources to acquire one quite yet.

As per always, thanks for the looks and comments.
I'll need to test these changes out next week when I get a chance~

Also, thinking of adding in:
「1」 Umbreon <UD 10>
「1」 Eevee <MD 63> (Don't want to be donked by Sableye, otherwise this might have been a <UD 48>)
to make my Donphan match-up much better.

キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━ !!!!!
RE: Tyranitar バンギラス 「Battle Roads ~ Masters」

Lol at the katakana. Are you Japanese? :3

I really like your build. There are a few things I would change, however. First, team rocket really isn't a great card. It lets you draw two cards and YOUR OPPONENT discards a card. The discarding will barely hurt your opponent. I would also drop department store girl. Once you have the bench shield in play, it really isn't of much use. Because you play call energy, I would recommend dropping Sableye for Spiritomb. Spiritomb cannot donk, but it will let you get out your pokemon way faster than what Sableye will let you do. Also, you'll get to keep your supporters for later. Next, this deck NEEDS expertbelt. I would play 2-3. Expert belt makes the darkness howl attack good even when attacking the active. It would let you do 50 (with a single special dark) to the active and 20 tothe bench. Itlet's you do 90 damage for a DCE and a basic dark. Also,your energy lines are a bit much. I would drop 2 basic dark energies (leaves you playing 7) to add a single DCE (4 is a must). I would also recommend just dropping judge altogether. It IS a very good card, but this deck needs to draw for itself. 4 Cards is not very good.Overall, here's what I would recommend:

-3 Sableye
-1 Department Store Girl
-2 Team Rocket's Trickery
-2 Basic Dark
-2 (or 1 if you want) Judge
+4 Spiritomb
+3 Expert Belt
+1 Double Colorless Energy
+2 (or 1 if you dropped 1 judge) Professor Oak's New Theory
RE: Tyranitar バンギラス 「Battle Roads ~ Masters」

>> Zero

Nope, but かたかな looks sooo much better~

I actually was playing against my friend the other day with Spiritomb in place of Sableye and the results were still pretty good. Also, dropped the Department Store Girl for another Professor Oak's New Theory, dropped a Darkness Energy for another Double Colorless Energy, and added in another Pupitar because I took out 2 of the Rare Candies. The changes worked out decently well. While playing, I also came to the conclusion that Judge wasn't really worth it. Every time I was Judged, it hurt, but I could never do the same and it wasn't as effective. So overall your suggestions were pretty good. However, 3 Expert Belts seems like a little much, so I'll just add in 2to test out later. Good suggestions and glad that you liked the build. : ). Made a good choice on what Prime to get in Unleashed it seems. :3

Thanks for the look~

I'll update the list later and show what I changed.
RE: Tyranitar バンギラス 「Battle Roads ~ Masters」

Definately drop Sableye (he's WAY too slow for this deck)
Add two AR Spiritomb
Use 2 UL (mountain eater) Larvees
Use 2 SF Larvees
RUN 3 PUPITARS FROM SF (makes this much faster and fully utilizes Spiritomb without going overboard)
Consider PokeHealer+

RE: Tyranitar バンギラス 「Battle Roads ~ Masters」

>> Sensei

If you read my previous post at all, you'd see that I was going to change the list up to include Spiritomb. As for Broken Time Space, I only ever really would need it when I want to get Manectric up in the same turn. So having it for only that reason isn't too productive. As for my Larvitars, I'd rather run the one I have for now mainly because Sableye can't donk it without help.

Thanks for the look.
RE: Tyranitar バンギラス 「Battle Roads ~ Masters」

Sorry, I'm no good at giving advice for BR. I appreciate your advice for my deck though. What do you say, see you at Worlds next year??? GREAT! We'll play T-Tars against each other and be famous for it.
RE: Tyranitar バンギラス 「Battle Roads ~ Masters」

>> Sensei

No problem. All you can really do is give suggestions and hope to sway someone's play-style.

Lawls. Maybe.

>> supersonic711

Already was switching to Spiritomb. I was going to use that Eevee over my current one, but I just don't want to give an easier donk target to Sableye.

Thanks for the looks.
RE: Tyranitar バンギラス 「Battle Roads ~ Masters」

Made some changes to the deck. Still many to come.

ポケットモンスター 「24」
「4」 Tyranitar <UL 88>
「4」 Pupitar <SF 47>
「4」 Larvitar <UL 51>
「2」 Manectric <PL 11>
「2」 Electrike <PL 74>
「3」 Spiritomb <AR 32>
「2」 Uxie <LA 43>
「1」 Unown Q <MD 49>
「1」 Umbreon <UD 10>
「1」 Eevee <MD 63>

サポーター 「12」
「3」 Bebe's Search
「3」 Pokémon Collector
「3」 Professor Oak's New Theory
「1」 Judge
「1」 Lucian's Assignment
「1」 Palmer's Contribution

グッズ 「10」
「3」 Expert Belt
「2」 Bench Shield
「2」 Broken Time Space
「2」 Warp Point
「1」 Luxury Ball

スタジアム 「0」

エネルギー 「14」
「6」 Darkness Energy
「4」 Special Darkness Energy
「4」 Double Colorless Energy


+「1」 Pupitar <SF 47>
+「1」 Expert Belt
+「2」 Broken Time Space
+「1」 Professor Oak's New Theory
+「1」 Judge
+「1」 Lucian's Assignment
+「2」 Darkness Energy

-「2」 Rare Candy
-「2」 Pokémon Communication
-「1」 Bebe's Search
-「1」 Pokémon Collector
-「3」 Call Energy

Was also thinking about fitting in another Broken Time Space, Bebe's Search and Judge, but I'm not too sure how yet. I was also playing around with the idea to get rid of 1 Tyranitar and 1 Pupitar, but I'm not totally sold yet. Having 4 of each makes it not too worrisome if I discard some or some get knocked out earlier, but having less let's me add in more cards.