Tyranitar 150 (100 card singleton)


(TO THE MODS, although this is "Unlimited" discussion I didn't think this is New Players Plaza material, it links from "fun UNLIMITED format - but not broken!" as a sample list. Please move it if this isn't the right place though, thanks.)

150 explained: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-fun-unlimited-format-but-not-broken

Ok, so before anybody says I shouldn't have so many one-ofs in my deck, that's the format :p This is an Unlimited format, 100 card singleton (AKA: 150 or highlander). It's such a good, fun format I thought I'd post a deck list for critique and hopefully spark some discussion. Click the link above if you don't know how 150 works.
This deck uses the Manchester ban-list, so EXs (B+W series) are banned and certain other cards are upgraded to ex status, which I've noted. I've left the specific set for most of the un-evolved Pokemon off as the choice generally doesn't matter too much. Here's the deck-list, strategy and card choices follow below:


4 Tyranitar
* Tyranitar Prime UL - Unleashed (ex)
* Tyranitar SF - Stormfront
* Dark Tyranitar TRR 19/109 - Team Rocket Returns
* Dark Tyranitar TRR 20/109 - Team Rocket Returns
3 Pupitar
4 Larvitar

3 Honchkrow
* Honchkrow LV.X SW - Secret Wonders
* Honchkrow MT - Mysterious Treasures
* Honchkrow UD 16/90 - Undaunted
4 Murkrow

3 Darkrai
* Darkrai LV.X GE - Great Encounters
* Darkrai GE 4/106 - Great Encounters
* Darkrai MD - Majestic Dawn

2 Weavile
* Weavile SW - Secret Wonders
* Weavile UD - Undaunted
2 Sneasel
* Sneasel NG - Neo Genesis
* Sneasel UD - Undaunted

1 Sharpedo TM - Triumphant
1 Carvanha

1 Claydol GE - Great Encounters
1 Baltoy GE - Great Encounters

1 Zoroark BLW - Black+White (ex)
1 Zorua

1 Absol SW - Secret Wonders

1 Spinda LM - Legend Maker

1 Victini NVI 14/101 - Noble Victories (ex)

1 Ditto F - Fossil

1 Sableye SF - Stormfront

1 Holon's Castform HP - Holon Phantoms

1 Spiritomb AR - Arceus

TRAINERS etc. 33

*Pokemon search:
Professor Elm's Training Method
Bebe's Search
Celio's Network
Roseanne's Research
Lanette's Net Search
Pokemon Fan Club
Pokemon Collector
Holon Mentor
Pokemon Communication
Poke Ball
Dual Ball
Great Ball

*Other search:
Computer Search

Team Rocket's Trickery
Team Galactic's Mars
Team Galactic's Wager
Pokemon Catcher
Gust Of Wind
Energy Removal
Super Energy Removal
Warp Point

Fluffy Berry
Focus Band
Expert Belt
Energy Root

Moonlight Stadium
Pokemon Breeder
Rare Candy
Pokemon Retriever
Black Belt


1 Darkness Energy (special)
Rainbow Energy
Multi Energy
Double Rainbow Energy
Scramble Energy
Double Colorless Energy

20 Dark Energy
3 Fighting Energy

On to the strategy! I'll just go through a few of the main card selections and interactions.

Tyranitar is the main attacker, each able to dish out some decent damage to the defending Pokemon and all with some sort of spread. The choice of which depends on the field at the time when it comes to search one up. Tyranitar Prime gets the spread going fastest with Darkness howl, but it might not be the best if my opponent is using dark types too or if I can't risk the prize loss from an ex. Stormfront Tyranitar and Dark Tyranitar 19 do similar things at different costs. Dark Tyranitar 20 is the least powerful of the 4 but the dual-type with fighting can be useful to hit for weakness and the sand damage Poke-Body hits the bench for free if I want to set up behind it.

The Honchkrow line is my secondary attacker and also provides discard. Mysterious treasures Honchkrow is one of my favorite card designs ever, if it has the energy to use its attacks, all my Murkrow can use them for free. This combos well with double rainbow well as the -10 damage won't apply to the Murkrow. They also have resistance to fighting which covers for my Tyranitars weaknesses.

Darkrai LV.X is mainly used to boost the power of all my Dark Pokemon and Secret wonders Weavile is used to charge up a Pokemon for free (although often at the cost of 1 prize) but it's the only acceleration the deck has, you can afford such a suicide setup a bit more when playing for 8 prizes.

There's a selection of good starters... Sableye being one of the best ever. Spinda draws cards and slows down an opponent trying to go all out on the offensive right away. The basic Pokemon that do evolve have been chosen mostly by if they draw cards with things like collect or call for family. This deck uses the Claydol draw engine as it's generally the best one available and because I run a few fighting energies, I can attack with it if I must.

Strategy can differ greatly game to game in this format depending on your initial draw and of course a huge variety of decks you may face. This is a straight forward aggressive deck overall with some spread and disruption to stop the opponent mounting a decent defence. Setting up a Tyranitar and a Claydol is usually the 1st aim whilst using Supporters like Mars to disrupt their hand and Gust / Energy removal effects on their field. If they're having trouble getting their draw engine online you can start with the Murkrows using Dark Wing Flaps to keep their hand empty. If you know your opponents deck and know it's a bad matchup you can try to go all out on the discard theme with an early Absol or use the combination of Sharpedo and flip Victini to stop them getting going in the first place, although this is risky and will use up a lot of resources.

It's strengths are:
*almost mono-typed means reliable energy
*good spread and snipe options alongside strong direct attacks
*low energy usage through SF Tyranitar and MT Honchkrow
*lots of disruption
*few ex's

*few strong, independant basics
*lack of energy acceleration (I plan on getting an exp. share for this)
*reliance on Claydol
*almost mono-typed means unlikely to hit for weakness
*no good "walls" or "safe guard"ers

Check the full rules and ban list at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pokem...31210296918627. We'll have a proper website soon!