Tyranitar Lv. X ?!?! (Big Picture)


Seeing as Tyranitar is my Favorite Pokemon, I really wanna see him get leveled up in the future. Until then, I came up with this..


160 Hp is average for T-Tar. Leaf weakness is the same, retreat is the same. T-Tar is a big Pokemon and is known to destroy things. Which is how I came up with the PokePower. But, that would be too broken for me. So, I gave the opponent gain in it too and backfire for the person using it. T-Tars attacks increase by 50 if both flips are heads, but if both are tails, any of the opponents Pokemon will do 50 more damage, helping to take down a 160 Pokemon that can spread damage. Bringing me to the attack. Pretty simple, either 80 to the defending, or spread for 40 to 2 Pokemon. I was going to do 40 to 2, or 20 to 3, or 10 to everyone, but eh, don't know.

This T-Tar was inspired by the IFDS T-Tar which you will see has better synergy with, seeing as both of them spread.

LMK what you think. Rate, Fix, Give advice. Everything is welcome. Thanks!

Special Thanks to:

Heavenly Spoon

for helping me out
It's good just a little bit of fixing on the wording and balancing then it's perfect.:)
Also, if your using Photoshop, try to smoothen the edges of your text by selecting Smooth on this option

It will appear as you use the Edit Text Tool. Use this technique to avoid pixelating the edges of the texts.
Hope this will help!:)
THAAANNKK YOU. I was trying to fix it but I couldn't find a way to do it. Haven't tried your way yet, but I'm confident it'll work. Thanks!

BTW: Would you happen to know what text the cards actually use? Right now I'm using Tahoma..
This is what it looks like:

^That's done in Arial Bold.


That's done in normal Arial.
@G2F: You're welcome. Yes that's the font I'm using. With smooth edges the pixel will not be noticable and your card would look better.

The pixel will not be noticable as you can see on my card. (This is my Dialga on my latest fake set)
@LV: Try using the font G2F said. It looks like what the real cards uses.
iandavidvinoya said:
@G2F: You're welcome. Yes that's the font I'm using. With smooth edges the pixel will not be noticable and your card would look better.

The pixel will not be noticable as you can see on my card. (This is my Dialga on my latest fake set)
@LV: Try using the font G2F said. It looks like what the real cards uses.

Nice Card. You should have Dialga's weaknes x 30 since it is a legendary.
A problem with the wording:
At the time you use the power, the Defending Pokémon is your opponent's active Pokémon. "To any of your active Pokémon" would probably be better.
Alright, the card fake is fixed.

Changed the text to "Humansti521 BT", smoothened the edges, fixed the wording.

LMK if there's anything else need to be fixed.
