Is this deck gonna be competitive? I think my only bad matchup is Seismetoad Garbodor so far. And regarding the flare tools should I split it to 1 Ringer and 1 Jamming net? I think this might help me survive a little longer. And or but in a sacred ash to reuse a couple tyrantrum. Also youll notice that there are no ultra balls because korrina can search out everything I need. Is this to risky or will it work. Id like to get some feedback before I buy all the cards. Thanks
3 Landorus
4 Tyrunt
4 Tyrantrum
1 Jirachi EX
2 Lucario EX
2 Hawlucha
4 Fossil Researcher
3 Korrina
4 N
3 Professor Sycamore
2 Lysandre
2 VS Seeker
2 Muscle Band
2 Ultra Ball
2 Switch
1 Escape Rope
1 Computer Search
3 Fighting stadium
1 Sacred Ash
1 AZ
4 Strong Energy
6 Fighting Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
Is this deck gonna be competitive? I think my only bad matchup is Seismetoad Garbodor so far. And regarding the flare tools should I split it to 1 Ringer and 1 Jamming net? I think this might help me survive a little longer. And or but in a sacred ash to reuse a couple tyrantrum. Also youll notice that there are no ultra balls because korrina can search out everything I need. Is this to risky or will it work. Id like to get some feedback before I buy all the cards. Thanks