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Tyrantrum / Landorus / Lucario EX


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Landorus
    4 Tyrunt
    4 Tyrantrum
    1 Jirachi EX
    2 Lucario EX
    2 Hawlucha

  • 4 Fossil Researcher
    3 Korrina
    4 N
    3 Professor Sycamore
    2 Lysandre
    2 VS Seeker
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Ultra Ball
    2 Switch
    1 Escape Rope
    1 Computer Search
    3 Fighting stadium
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 AZ


  • 4 Strong Energy
    6 Fighting Energy
    4 Double Colorless Energy

Is this deck gonna be competitive? I think my only bad matchup is Seismetoad Garbodor so far. And regarding the flare tools should I split it to 1 Ringer and 1 Jamming net? I think this might help me survive a little longer. And or but in a sacred ash to reuse a couple tyrantrum. Also youll notice that there are no ultra balls because korrina can search out everything I need. Is this to risky or will it work. Id like to get some feedback before I buy all the cards. Thanks
I played this deck loads a few months ago and love it. I would recommend Jirachi EX so you can get a supporter in your hand, great for FR. You might also want to run Hawlucha for the free retreat and the pressure it can apply especially to siesmitoad EX.

The deck plays well but you really really need fossil researcher early game to stand a decent chance. You may want ultra balls to discard fighting to re attatch with landy.

Your other weakness will be Yvetal as fighting resistance hits you hard. All in all you should pick this up, it's fairly cheap and reasonably competitive.
Good luck
I play with this deck too. I wouldn't rely too heavily on Korrina since you'll be using your supporter for the turn on Fossil Researcher so its good to have ultra ball too. Jirachi-EX is essential I think since this deck can live and die on a turn 1 Fossil Researcher. Hawlucha is also really handy.

Yveltal-EX is tough but not too bad a matchup since they usually need special energy to properly function which allows you to easily hit them for 150. With the damage from fighting staduim, muscle band and/or strong energy you can easily OHKO them. You just need to remember you need 2 modifiers in play instead of just one to counteract the resistance. I find a bigger problem is VirGen since it hits Tyrantrum for weakness. I run Reshiram LTR to deal with that but you might be ok with using Lucario-EX.
So I'll replace
Keldeo EX for Jirachi EX
2 Head ringer for 2 Hawlucha
1 random Reciever and 1 silver bangle for 2 ultra balls
Would this be good
Yeah I think that looks good.

The only thing I would question now (because I just noticed) is AZ. Is he just in there to reuse Jirachi EX?
Yes sort of the AZ is there to make the opponent take all 6 prizes by picking up the Lucario EX or Jirachi EX also I replaced a random Reciever with Sacred ash. Should I use that or a trump card for the special energy
I ran a sacred ash in the deck as sometimes you have to discard your tyrantrum/tyrunts for the greater good and it does hurt.
This deck looks solid now.
Aviste said:
Is Lucario EX better then Landorous EX?
Should I switch it to 1-1.
ABSOLUTELY not, IMO. Although Lucario EX has good attacks, it is easily 1HKOd by either Mewtwo EX or Deoxys EX after you attach a second energy onto Lucario EX. On the other hand, Lando can hit both defending and a benched Poké for just F energy cost. You could just keep this beast active (with some healing) for numerous turns while you setup and it can be a real menace to your opponent. Its 2-part second attack can also inflict significant damage too.
I'm getting murdered repeatedly by any yveltal decks. Mewtwo isn't as much of a problem because nobody runs 3-4 mewtwo. Also I'm having a hard time getting energy back so I'm thinking of adding a 2-2 Mega Manectric Line and then 2 spirit links and (2-3) lightning energy
Lysander Trump card can get the energy back into the deck and it is only 1 card. You could use the Landorus to get the basic energy back.
Aviste said:
I'm getting murdered repeatedly by any yveltal decks. Mewtwo isn't as much of a problem because nobody runs 3-4 mewtwo. Also I'm having a hard time getting energy back so I'm thinking of adding a 2-2 Mega Manectric Line and then 2 spirit links and (2-3) lightning energy

that would be at least 8 cards(considering 2 lighting energy) and u wouldnt get the energy u need to atk with manectric smtimes. I think this would make the deck less consistente, i wouldnt do that. What about trying to add 1 zekrom rather than that? Zekrom attacks with dce and with muscle band he can kill yveltals and yveltals-EX w/o much trouble.
yveltal cant 1hit KO him and yveltal ex would need tons of energy to 1hitko him if he is w/o energy.