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TyZard (bad name....working on it!) For Manchester Regionals


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 21
3-3-3 Charizard (AR)
2-2-2 Typhlosion (HGSS)
2-2 Ninetails (CoL)
1-1 Infernape 4 (RR - i think?)

Trainers / Supporters / Stadiums: 25
4 Rare Candy
3 Pokémon Communication
2 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball
3 Bebe's Search
3 Pokémon Collector
4 Seeker
2 Professer Oak's New Theory
1 Fisherman
2 Broken Time-Space

Energy: 14
10 Fire Energy
1 Call Energy
3 Rescue Energy

Strategy: Pretty simple Charizard strategy. Fill the bench with Fire Types to power up Charizard to between 80 and 150 with Expert Belt. Thyplosion for Energy regain and Ninetiles for Draw power. Infernape for opponent field disruption. I thought about using Spiritomb but I dont want to disrupt the fire power, plus I cant get my hands on any before March 12th! lol. I also only have 2 BTS so going with only 2 and have 4 Rare Candy as a back up to that.
Any constructive critism is always appreciated :D
1 Call Energy is pointless, either go 4 or none, I recommend none.
-1 Call Energy
-3 Rescue Energy (Just really isn't needed since Charizard swarms...)
+4 Unown R
Unown R wouldn't take up bench space and is great for quick draw.
^The problem is that if Retire gets sprayed, you have a useless Pokemon on the bench that actually hurts your power.