News 'Ultra Beast GX Premium Collections,' Pheromosa, Celesteela, Xurkitree-GX!

Aww, thought I was gonna get translations for these screwballs. Eventually of course, I just hope the Xurkitree will be super good. Nice to know we're getting promos for almost all the ultra beasts!
Aww, thought I was gonna get translations for these screwballs. Eventually of course, I just hope the Xurkitree will be super good. Nice to know we're getting promos for almost all the ultra beasts!
We have Buzzwole's but the other 3 will be in SM3+ GX battle Boost. We'll have translations in mid-October
From what I can tell.

Celesteela Steel Type No Ability
3 attacks GX does damage so probably a less crazy effect. I don't think I see colorless on there.

Pheromosa Grass Type 170 HP (yeesh) No Ability
3 Attacks
[G] for damage and effect
[G][G] for damage and effect
GX [G][G] Grass for damage and effect

Xurkitree Electric
Has an ability
[L][L][C] for Damage and an effect
GX [L] for no damage and effect. So probably pretty interesting effect.
AGH!!! Does anyone have an official translation or wording of the cards? Well played Pokemon....
Also, it looks like we'll be getting a pack of Evolutions in the boxes....eww....
Aww, thought I was gonna get translations for these screwballs. Eventually of course, I just hope the Xurkitree will be super good. Nice to know we're getting promos for almost all the ultra beasts!
Yeah I really want to put it in my deck, celesteela might be good with metagross as pheromosa with decidueye.
I will probably get xurkitree and Guzzlord, xurkitree is my favourite. Please release some translations pokebeach!! I need to know.
Really wanna know what Xurkitree's ability does. I do wonder about Pheromosa's first attack, too.
We can at least now know that Pheromosa is Grass, and that Xurkitree has an ability and a non-damaging effect as a GX attack. Can't tell Celesteela's type but probably Colorless.
Man, this better not be the only way to get these cards because that's disgusting to take out 4 GXs from the set and then separate 2 each into 40 dollar boxes.
Man, this better not be the only way to get these cards because that's disgusting to take out 4 GXs from the set and then separate 2 each into 40 dollar boxes.
Buzzwole's still in Crimson Invasion. The other UBs here seemingly are going to be in SM4+ for Japan, so hmm.
Looks like celesteela is steel type to me rather than colourless

Looking at the top bar to the left of the hit points it clearly looks darker in the middle, like metagross GX, where drampa and Taurus GX are uniformly white on their top bar
Looks like celesteela is steel type to me rather than colourless

Looking at the top bar to the left of the hit points it clearly looks darker in the middle, like metagross GX, where drampa and Taurus GX are uniformly white on their top bar

I thought so too, but it looks like Celesteela is weak to Lightning type. It may be an unconventional weakness like Ho-Oh GX, but I'm not sure.