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Standard Umbreon / Espeon Eeveelution

Robin Curtis

Aspiring Trainer
Hey all, I have been playing for about 5 months now (maybe longer). I don't have that big of an online collection though I have quite a few decks. Zoroark Break, Tapu Koko, Sylveon Control. My most successful deck though is a Umbreon / Espeon Eeveelution deck. This is my current list, any advice or changes would be welcome:

Pokémon: 15
  • 4 Eevee (Energy Evolution)
  • 2 Umbreon GX
  • 2 Espeon GX
  • 1 Tauos GX
  • 1 Wobuffet (Bide Barricade)
  • 1 Oranguru (Instruct)
  • 1 Tapu Lele (Wonder Tag)
  • 1 Jolteon (Electric Effect)
  • 1 Vaporeon (Aqua Effect)
  • 1 Flareon (Flare Effect)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 33
  • 3Professor Sycamore
  • 3 N
  • 1 Skyla
  • 1 Professor Kukui
  • 1 Lilie
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 3 Choice Band
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 2 Altar of the Moon
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Trainers Mail
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Field Blower
  • 1 Special Charge
Energy: 8
  • 4 Doubler Colorless Energy
  • 3 Dark Energy
  • 5 Psychic Energy
Its a fairly straight forward evolution deck that takes advantage of Eevee-lution to get that first turn Umbreon / Espeon. Look for weakness / resistance and adjust. Fighting or Fairy, stay away from Umbreon, get that Espeon online. The combination of Shadow Bullet bench damage and the Espeon Divide GX can help knock out some dangerous bench basic/stage1. Espeon is great against anything that stacks energy on a single active. Umbreon is good all round. The deck seldom has 1HKO without weakness from the other Eeveelutions, but with a 200HP standard attacker (either version) the deck can hold its own.

It has fairly good matchups against a lot of the top decks: Decidueye / Volcanion / Greninja Break using Wobuffet strafe. Also with the weakness you can get 1HKO on a lot of those ex/gx pokemon. Some difficulty beating Lapras/Sylveon control. Drampa Garb is tricky too, since shadow bullet turns on the Dramp without investment from your opponent, though with choice band and 3 energy on the Drampa, Espeon can 1HKO it, so the matchup is winnable. Also the dark pokemon have resistance to Psycic.

The zoroark Break deck is probably most difficult for it to face, but that is all about managing bench size, and picking off Drampas.

TLDR - Look at the list, any changes?