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Standard Umbreon GX/Decidueye GX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (19)
3x Rowlet (SUM)
3x Dartrix (SUM)
3x Decidueye GX (SUM)

4x Eevee (SUM)
4x Umbreon GX (SUM)

2x Shaymin EX (ROS)
Trainers (33)
2x VS Seeker
2x Revitalizer
2x Special Charge
3x Level Ball
3x Trainers' Mail
4x Ultra Ball

3x Float Stone

1x Pokemon Ranger
2x Lysandre
3x N
4x Professor Sycamore

4x Forest of Giant Plants

Energy (8)
4x Darkness
4x DCE

I've found a bit of success with this deck and wanted some opinions on how to improve it. The idea is to have Umbreon GX as the main attacker with Decidueye GX sitting on the bench for extra damage. Umbreon is easy enough to set up, just placing a dark energy on an Eevee. The only real challenge is searching out Decidueye pieces, which isn't that huge of an issue.

-I like having a higher count of float stones to make sure the Decidueye aren't trapped, being forced to use my very limited energies for retreat cost.

-I feel like this deck can deal with Garbodor well enough. Decidueye and Umbreon can snipe them while they're Trubbish. So to KO any Trubbish, I'd just need 2 Decidueye and an Umbreon. So really it's more stopping them before it happens, but it might not be the end of the world if it becomes Garb before I have the required damage.

-The original deck list had a full 4-4-4 Decidueye GX, but I opted to remove a line for 2 special charges and a Pokemon Ranger, helping deal with energy removal decks and Glaceon. If possible, I'd like to get the 4-4-4 back. It's not a huge concern though, even with the 4-4-4 I mostly only got 2 Decidueye lines out at a time. Especially with Shaymin taking up the bench sometimes. I'm thinking to remove a Shaymin, special charge, and revitalizer for another Decidueye line.

-The Decidueye are capable of stalling if you need another turn of energy attachment on Umbreon by retreating into each other. They're pretty tanky.

-If on the bench shrinking side of Parallel City, I think the preferred things to keep are an active Umbreon, one benched Umbreon, two benched Decidueye.

Some cards I may want:
Rainbow Energy - This would allow an attachment to Decidueye if it needed to attack, while also providing the dark for Umbreon if in a pinch. This allows me to use Hollow Hunt GX in case I discard too many Eevee/Umbreon parts

Some cards I don't want to add:
Timer Ball - It ended up being kind of clunky. Normally would draw it turn 1 with no Forest, just preferred more level balls.

Devolution Spray - I see a lot of people around Decidueye decks suggesting this card, but I feel like this just gets clunky, too. Only really useful once I get the Decidueye out, and I'd rather just have more cards that help get my Decidueye.
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