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Umbreon - Masters States


Aspiring Trainer
Hey everyone i would like to get some advice on how i could make my deck better. As of right now this is what I am running in my deck:

Pokemon: (20)
4x Eevee MD
3x Umbreon UD
4x Sableye SF
2x Unknown D
1x Unknown Q
1x Espeon Prime
1x Espeon MD
1x Flareon UD
1x Jolteon UD
2x Uxie LA

Trainer/Supporters: (31)
3x MooMoo Milk
2x Expert Belt
2x Warp Point
1x Switch
1x Luxury Ball
4x Super Scoop Up
4x Pokemon Communicator
2x Vs Seeker
1x Seeker
1x Pokemon Collector
1x Twins
1x Blackbelt
1x Flower Shop Lady
1x Judge
3x Bebe's Search
3x Professor Oak's New Theory

Energys: (9)
3x Darkness
4x Special Darkness
2x Rescue Energy

Basically my strategy is to get Sableeye out first and use pokemon collector to get 2-3 eevees out or an uxie. then bebe to get umbreon and from there just power up my bench umbreon with special darkness energys and expert belt. i have flareon in there for counters to jumpluff and scizor prime, jolteon to counter garydos, and espeon to counter machamp. In my head my strategy sounds good but i dont win as many battles as i thought i would, although almost every battle i do manage to take a good amount of prize cards.

If you have any suggestions to help improve my deck i would love to hear it, also i have been thinking to switching to an Umbretar deck with Umbreon and T-Tar. If you think that deck would be better than the one i have plz post what you think would be the best deck build for it. Thanks Everyone!
I would try to make room for an Umbreon MD for free retreat and no weakness.
-1 Switch
+1 Umbreon MD
You're definitely using the wrong Flareon/Jolteon combo. The UD Flareon, especially, doesn't do close to enough damage to Scizor with Flame Tail, which I assume you're planning on using since you don't run Fire/Rainbow energy. Use the ones from RR, that can devolve after you're done using them.

You should also add 2 more Collector, which are essential to set up. Ditch a Communication and a Switch for them.
Thanks a lot of the help flamemaster but im confused on one thing and that is if i do undevelope, would it KO my eevee if it had 60 damage on him? or would i be able to place a new evolution on him immediately? also the reason i dont have many communicators is cause i have 4 sableyes and 4 eevees and both allow me to get lots of basics on the beach. Im not trying to say your wrong but just trying to argue and find out if having more collectors in this deck is a must or just useful. Thanks again for your help!
Yes and no. Yes, devolving Eevee when Flareon/Jolteon have enough damage to KO Eevee will cause a knockout, and no, you couldn't re-evolve fast enough to prevent this.

If you're going to use the RR Flareon/Jolteon, make sure you include Fire/Lighting energy(or Rainbow which, IMO is better, however if you're really worried about Scizor go Fire/Lightning so Red Armor doesn't wall you) to power their attacks. The RR Flareon, for example, can OHKO a Scizor Prime with 2 Special Metal energy attached(120 dmg), whereas the UD Flareon can only do 40 damage to the same Scizor with Special Metal energy attached. It's a much better tech overall.

Pokemon Collector is a staple in every deck and you should run at least 3, with or without Sableye. This way, you ensure a good setup every time. 8 basics is really rather lackluster and I try to never go below 10 basics in my decks, to ensure I don't get basic screwed.
I think you're better off running Umbreon with Tyranitar Prime since it's kind of hard to make an Eeveelution based deck around Umbreon unless you run it as a tech in a {G}{W} deck with Leafeon and Glaceon Lv. X.
-3 Moomoo Milk
+3 Broken Time-Space

BTS can be really helpful and get you a turn 1/2 Umbreon. Turn 2 would be after a Collector, playing down Eevee and Evolving automaticaly.

What does Unown D do exactly? EDIT: Unown Dark, correct? Should be stated more clearly.