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Umbreon/Shiftry Battle Roads (Seniors)


Aspiring Trainer
My son is playing this deck and it does pretty good against Gengar decks but we need some advice to make it better.

Pokemon 20
2x Eevee RR
2x Eevee UD
3x Umbreon UD
2x Seedot RR
2x Nuzleaf RR
2x Shiftry RR
1x Murkrow SV
1x Honchkrow UD
2x Uxie LA
1x Azelf LA
2x Unown Q

Trainer/Supporter/Stadium 27
4x Bebe’s Search
2x Broken Time Space
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Interviewer’s Questions
2x Expert Belt
2x Pokemon Communication
2x Copycat
2x Energy Exchanger
2x Super Scoop Up
1x Cynthia’s Feelings
1x Looker’s Investigation
1x Warp Point
1x Luxury Ball
1x Bench Shield
1x Palmer’s Contibution

Energy 13
4x Special Darkness
6x Darkness
3x Double Colorless

His strategy is to get Umbreon out quick and use Moonlight Fang. All his attackers have different weakness and resistance so the matchup will determine what attacker he uses......Help please. We know this wont win Nationals or Worlds but we want it to be somewhat competitive.
I think you should tech in the Umbreon from Majestic Dawn so you Umbreon has no weakness and free retreat and a space for an expert belt. Plus Machamp can't OHKO it with Rage.