Umbreon techs..Special Dark or Basic dark


Hi, I'm a scrub
Hey. I'm thinking of playing an Umbreon tech in my deck for states, and I was wondering if it's best to run Special or Basic Dark. The only thing going for Basic Dark is that it has Palmer's. Help?
^ Agreed. Give yourself the choice based on what's going on in the game. Sometimes you'll want basic over special, and keep in mind, Umbreon is more of a locking deck than a high-damaging one.
IMO basic because scizor is a big deck you want to wall. I might say one of each, but if your tight on space just 1 basic.
^ Umbreon doesn't do enough damage to make it matter if you have a special dark. Against Gyara or Jumpluff, it's pretty much an autoloss anyways. I'd include at least 2 basic dark.
The umbreon is a tech in whatever deck he's playing. And it can make a difference against donphan becasue 20 is better than 10.
Just run both if its a dark deck like sablelock. If its not just run Special Dark because an extra 10 damage is amazing, and maybe 1 basic because its searchable.
Definitely depends on the deck

if you run conspiracy, i'd go with basic for consistency

otherwise might aswell run special

or both