Pokemon (22)
3-3-3 Tyranitar Prime
2-2 Umbreon UD
1-1-1 Nidoqueen RR
2 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Mesprit LA
1 Azelf LA
Trainers/Supporters (18)
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe's Search
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Warp Point
2 Rare Candy
2 Palmer's Contribution
Stadiums (3)
3 Broken Time-Space
Energies (17)
4 Double Colorless Energy
9 {D}
4 {P}
Deck Total: 60
This deck is basically designed to try to counter against LostGar and VileGar, If LostGar tries to use Omastar for Primal Swirl I simply Psychic Bind with Mesprit to prevent them from doing so on their next turn. Umbreon is in the deck for Moonlight Fang to shut Pokemon down with Poke-Powers and or Bodies.
You want to get Umbreon setup before T-Tar so that you can stall
with Moonlight Fang while you setup T-Tar Prime on your bench and it's a good strategy against Fighting decks like Donphan Prime and Machamp variants which seems to be the most challenging for it I suppose. It's still interesting to say the least. The biggest problems this deck has lately is trying to counter against Mamoswine in my metagame which is making a huge comeback no thanks to Dodrio UD and Retreat Aid.
Nidoqueen RR is in the deck for Maternal Comfort to help Tyranitar Prime survive as a tank and it also greatly compliments Tyranitar Prime's Darkness Howl attack which bench spreads for 20 to each non-Dark Type Pokemon. I've been seeing other decklists of this same deck and most people are running a 1-0-1 or a 1-1-1 tech of Nidoqueen RR to not only help Tyranitar Prime out but also make use as a secondary attacker especially to help counter against Machamp variants for Psychic Weakness.
After some test matchups like I said it has problems against Mamoswine cause it hits Tyranitar for Weakness pretty hard for around 300 something damage with Parade. It has a decent matchup against Steelix Prime variants especially against Scizor Prime which I'm thinking of running a Blaziken FB tech for but I'm not sure about it yet, I'm thinking just going 1-1 Dialga G Lv. X.
Since this deck was built to help counter against Gengar variants such as VileGar and LostGar I haven't had the chance to test that out yet but I want to. I know this deck can beat VileGar, I just need to run less Trainers to avoid the Trainer lock from Vileplume UD and Spiritomb AR starts ugh. I'm still considering on taking a Dark and a Psychic energy for 2 Bench Shields but I'm not sure If it's worth it or not.
Any advice, comments, and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
3-3-3 Tyranitar Prime
2-2 Umbreon UD
1-1-1 Nidoqueen RR
2 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Mesprit LA
1 Azelf LA
Trainers/Supporters (18)
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe's Search
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Warp Point
2 Rare Candy
2 Palmer's Contribution
Stadiums (3)
3 Broken Time-Space
Energies (17)
4 Double Colorless Energy
9 {D}
4 {P}
Deck Total: 60
This deck is basically designed to try to counter against LostGar and VileGar, If LostGar tries to use Omastar for Primal Swirl I simply Psychic Bind with Mesprit to prevent them from doing so on their next turn. Umbreon is in the deck for Moonlight Fang to shut Pokemon down with Poke-Powers and or Bodies.
You want to get Umbreon setup before T-Tar so that you can stall
with Moonlight Fang while you setup T-Tar Prime on your bench and it's a good strategy against Fighting decks like Donphan Prime and Machamp variants which seems to be the most challenging for it I suppose. It's still interesting to say the least. The biggest problems this deck has lately is trying to counter against Mamoswine in my metagame which is making a huge comeback no thanks to Dodrio UD and Retreat Aid.
Nidoqueen RR is in the deck for Maternal Comfort to help Tyranitar Prime survive as a tank and it also greatly compliments Tyranitar Prime's Darkness Howl attack which bench spreads for 20 to each non-Dark Type Pokemon. I've been seeing other decklists of this same deck and most people are running a 1-0-1 or a 1-1-1 tech of Nidoqueen RR to not only help Tyranitar Prime out but also make use as a secondary attacker especially to help counter against Machamp variants for Psychic Weakness.
After some test matchups like I said it has problems against Mamoswine cause it hits Tyranitar for Weakness pretty hard for around 300 something damage with Parade. It has a decent matchup against Steelix Prime variants especially against Scizor Prime which I'm thinking of running a Blaziken FB tech for but I'm not sure about it yet, I'm thinking just going 1-1 Dialga G Lv. X.
Since this deck was built to help counter against Gengar variants such as VileGar and LostGar I haven't had the chance to test that out yet but I want to. I know this deck can beat VileGar, I just need to run less Trainers to avoid the Trainer lock from Vileplume UD and Spiritomb AR starts ugh. I'm still considering on taking a Dark and a Psychic energy for 2 Bench Shields but I'm not sure If it's worth it or not.
Any advice, comments, and suggestions are greatly appreciated.