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Umbretar 3.0 (Masters, Any)

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (22)

3-3-3 Tyranitar Prime
2-2 Umbreon UD
1-1-1 Nidoqueen RR
2 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Mesprit LA
1 Azelf LA

Trainers/Supporters (18)

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe's Search
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Warp Point
2 Rare Candy
2 Palmer's Contribution

Stadiums (3)

3 Broken Time-Space

Energies (17)

4 Double Colorless Energy
9 {D}
4 {P}

Deck Total: 60

This deck is basically designed to try to counter against LostGar and VileGar, If LostGar tries to use Omastar for Primal Swirl I simply Psychic Bind with Mesprit to prevent them from doing so on their next turn. Umbreon is in the deck for Moonlight Fang to shut Pokemon down with Poke-Powers and or Bodies.

You want to get Umbreon setup before T-Tar so that you can stall
with Moonlight Fang while you setup T-Tar Prime on your bench and it's a good strategy against Fighting decks like Donphan Prime and Machamp variants which seems to be the most challenging for it I suppose. It's still interesting to say the least. The biggest problems this deck has lately is trying to counter against Mamoswine in my metagame which is making a huge comeback no thanks to Dodrio UD and Retreat Aid.

Nidoqueen RR is in the deck for Maternal Comfort to help Tyranitar Prime survive as a tank and it also greatly compliments Tyranitar Prime's Darkness Howl attack which bench spreads for 20 to each non-Dark Type Pokemon. I've been seeing other decklists of this same deck and most people are running a 1-0-1 or a 1-1-1 tech of Nidoqueen RR to not only help Tyranitar Prime out but also make use as a secondary attacker especially to help counter against Machamp variants for Psychic Weakness.

After some test matchups like I said it has problems against Mamoswine cause it hits Tyranitar for Weakness pretty hard for around 300 something damage with Parade. It has a decent matchup against Steelix Prime variants especially against Scizor Prime which I'm thinking of running a Blaziken FB tech for but I'm not sure about it yet, I'm thinking just going 1-1 Dialga G Lv. X.

Since this deck was built to help counter against Gengar variants such as VileGar and LostGar I haven't had the chance to test that out yet but I want to. I know this deck can beat VileGar, I just need to run less Trainers to avoid the Trainer lock from Vileplume UD and Spiritomb AR starts ugh. I'm still considering on taking a Dark and a Psychic energy for 2 Bench Shields but I'm not sure If it's worth it or not.

Any advice, comments, and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
No special dark? If its because of Scizor, Umbreon probably wouldn't hurt it in the first place with the Special Metals. Plus you have Power Claw.

Also since your avoiding trainer lock and have maxed lines, you could take out the rare candies, but you could run into something bieng prized. That one is your call I guess.

Lastly maybe some Judges? It helps against the gyrados matchups and keeps your hand low against Vilegar.
I like the idea of running Judges in this deck, what should I take out for them? Professor Oak's New Theories? Yeah you weren't the first to ask me why I took out Special Dark in this deck, I told them it was because I was running the Nidoqueen tech as a backup attacker so I needed Psychic energies to replace it for them.

Thanks for the feedback btw, I was worried I might not get any. I really would like to see If there's a counter against Mamoswine for this deck or If I'm going to need to run a 1-1 Absol G Lv. X line to counter what the deck is intended to do against LostGar and VileGar. I'm not a huge fan of Absol which is why I didn't want to run it but If I have to I will.
Cause one of my friends in my metagame plays it and it usually beats this deck 90% of the time due to
Type Advantage? Is that a good reason? :p
It would have to be either a Stage 1 {W} or {G} Type for the LA/SF versions, Steelix Prime would benefit more against the Triumphant version. I'm thinking either Leafeon or Glaceon and by taking the {P} out for Rainbow Energies since I'm running Eevee's in the deck.