Umm... Deoxys questions. >,>



As you can see by my trading thread, I am currently trying to build a better Deoxys... a few questions to anybody who has considered this or even tried it... I heard it won a few BR's or something, but I don't exactly know how to build it.

What lines are best? I know 4-4-4-4 of them isn't the best plan, but what is?

4 Call... needed or not?

Is Drifblim any good? (SF)

Uxie or Claydol? (Your opinion, I know either can be used.)

Here's what I've come up with...

2 Speed
2 Defense
2 Normal
1 Attack
2-2 Claydol
1 Uxie
1 Azelf

Any suggestions?
Attack Forme and Defense Forme are your two best attacking options. Normal Forme and Speed Forme are techs more than anything. I'd say 3-4 Attack, 2-3 Defense, 1-2 Normal, and 0-1 Speed.
darkrai master777 said:
Sorry for the annoyance, but you can only put 4 deoxys total in a deck. Sorry again.

Yes you can. They have different names on the card. Therefore, they are seperate cards. So you can have 4 of each.