Unfair People

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Aspiring Trainer
what could we do if someone is always using decks made here ?

Someone who doesn`t make his own decks .
that person is always using decks made by other people ...

What should we do ?
This is unfair !!!
People tend to do bad at a tournament if they just copy a list off of the internet without studying the deck themselves or doing fine tuning.

Even if we do something, we can't ever stop it. We have no right to say what someone else plays. Besides, even if you made a Dusknoir list, it could end up just like someone else's, even if you studied the deck and fine tuned it.

That said, I tend to not like it when someone copies an entire deck list and shows up at a tournament with it the next day. However, taking parts of lists that have proven to be good isn't that bad IMO. I say you need to add a personal touch to it at least.
There's nothing we can do about it. If someone wants to use a deck that someone else is using then that is their decision and no one else's.
Well, that is called netdecking. It SUCKS, but we can't do anything about it... I know a guy who made a great deck that no one ever thought off (not gonna mention what deck I'm talking about =P), and he never posted it here because someone would copy it...
I bet even the Masters World Champion made Netdecking (G&G OH GOSH...)
What, netdeckers? GRAB THE TORCHES!

Nah, seriously, what do you propose we do against this? Not post lists? Bully the guys who do this at tournaments?

I know it's not really fair, but hey, that's life. Just know that using an original deck instead of the standardized version always gives you the element of surprise, so you're not always at a disadvantage ;)
It's like copying someone else's team (in D/P battling). It may be a great team/deck, but that doesn't matter if they don't study it and learn the strategy. Who cares if they just copy/paste a list? Most likely the person won't do good with it. ;f
I think if the person who posts the deck would know there are net-deckers here and they would won't care about it.
If you don't want net-deckers to take your deck , don't post it.
Raiga said:
Why do you care if someone copies your deck? You should feel honored that someone wants to make your deck.

*steals Raiga's car*

You should be honoured.

IN ALL SERIOUSNESS EDIT: If somebody is mindlessly copying your list, they wouldn't know if it's any good or not, and they aren't copying it because they KNOW it's good, thus you shouldn't feel honoured because they didn't pick it because it was good. *runs out of breath*
I played some guy in Masters who netdecked Froszong. I started playing him and just dominated him because he didn't know what was in his deck. The fact is that if people are going to do this, they are going to do this. If they don't learn and do well because of someone else's efforts, it's their own loss. So be it.
Honestly, it's a good thing when people do it. Not only are they unfamiliar with the deck (usually), but you know what to expect as well.
I copy parts of decklists most of the time when i use a meta-game deck.

but i actually played a metagame deck twice (both not in tourny's), i dislike decks that everybody plays.

i would personally ònly use original and self made decklists, and if i post a decklist here on pokebeach, i first check if there already is the same deck posted, because i don't like net-decking.

maybe that is the reason i always end up 4th or something :D
red blastoise said:
I would personally ònly use original and self made decklists, and if I post a decklist here on pokebeach, I first check if there already is the same deck posted, because I don't like net-decking.
Quoted FTW.

I also hate people who net-deck, maybe they should make it a rule where people have to come up with their own idea for a deck.
That's why when I make a deck, I post it up (or ask a friend) to get it fixed/worked on to make it better.
For the cities, I saw at least 5 people who used Claydol (but, then again it's the New Pidgeot (FR/LG))..
Yes, I like the WotC cards, that's when people HAD to make good decks from them (I used Venusaur (base) with Meganium (Wild Growth-Neo 1) & it worked. I even bet Fire decks with it.
I personally think that if someone copies a deck off the internet and use it in the tournament the next day they are screwed big-time because they just don't know how to use it, even if they did use the strategy guide. You need to duel with the deck and get a feel for it and then use it in a tournament instead of just rushing headlong long in and getting ripped by the big strong decks that people have been practicing with. (I sound like some random teacher dude now, lol!)

EDIT: if they do use your deck they shouldat least ask for permission and give you credit (ruining their image and making people like you more.)
chocolate said:
what could we do if someone is always using decks made here ?

Someone who doesn`t make his own decks .
that person is always using decks made by other people ...

What should we do ?
This is unfair !!!

for battle roads i used a preconstructed deck ( partly cos my one didn't match the requirements for being played ) and came 3rd
paddy185, please don't revive dead threads. Thank you!

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