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Unfezant/Pinsir/Aerodactyl/Victini Troll Deck

snivy the hedgehog

loves to play roque decks
pokemon 20
3 pinsir nxd
4 pidove nxd
3 tranquil bc
3 unfezant bw
1 unfezant bc
4 aerodactyl dex
2 victini nvi (victory star)
t/s/s 29
4 juniper
4 n
3 bianca
3 level ball
3 ultra ball
4 crushing hammer
3 pluspower
1 super rod
2 rare candy
2 twist mountain
energy 11
7 grass
4 dce

the startegy is to start pinsir and to power pinch to discard the opponents energies
and then to unfezants fly attack to dmage and if i flip heads that unfezant cant demaged
or effected by effects use victini if you flip tails with you attacks
Move this to fun, cut down on the pokemon count, add catchers and computer search. Or, use sableye/hammers instead.
Aerodactyl and Plus Powers? Swap the Stage 1 for a Rare Candy, and add in some Skyla.