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Union Fire (Charizard/Ninetales/Heatran LVX) (Unlimited)



My nostalgic love for Charizard has been rekindled at the sight of the Arceus set incarnation. To my dismay he's no longer in rotation for Modified...but I have a few goodies from the older card sets to use.

So with a bit of thought and attention to the newer generations of the TCG and Poke-Verse, I have concocted the following:

4 Charmander (1 EX Dragons/ 1Fire Red Leaf Green/2 Arceus)
2 Charmeleon (1 EX Dragons/ 1 Fire Red Leaf Green)
4 Charizard (3 Arceus/1 Base Set)
1 Reshiram (BW Tin Promo)
1 Houndour (Neo Discovery foil)
1 Houndoom (EX Unseen Forces)
2 Heatran (Arceus)
2 Heatran LVX (Tin Promo)
1 Slugma (Ex Deoxys with Collect)
1 Magcargo (Ex Deoxys with Smooth Over)
3 Vulpix (Platinum, the shiny version)
3 Ninetales (Heart Gold Soul Silver with Roast Reveal)

2 Professor Oak
2 Professor Oak's New Research
3 Computer Search (Base Set)
2 Challenge! (Team Rocket)
1 Meteor Falls (Ex Deoxys)
1 No Energy Removal Gym (Gym Heroes)
2 Fisherman
3 Rare Candy
3 Lass (Base Set)
2 Warp Point (Gym Challenge)
2 Item Finder (Base Set)

12 Fire Energy

The strategy is set up Charizard and attack from there. Ninetales and Magcargo are to set up my draws or get a crucial Trainer/Pokemon. Heatran LVX is my stand-in for Typhlosion Prime, and Houndoom is present just because he's one of my favorite Fire types next to Charizard. Plus in a pinch, his Lonesome is really good.

I'm using Professor Oak's New Research over Professor Elm because both reshuffle the hand, but PONR still lets me use Trainers such as Challenge! and Rare Candy whereas Elm would shut down those, as well as the Supporters.

Challenge! will either build up firepower by letting me and my opponent fill our benches, or it gives me 2 free cards without the drawback of being a Supporter.

Lass is my method of dealing with troublesome ER/SER/Trapper Engine. Warp Point lets me get back my starter if its something like, say, the shiny Vulpix. Computer Search is self-explanatory: Pitch 2, dig out something you really need.

Meteor Falls is included to let me get the most out of my Charizards evolved from the Fire Red Leaf Green/EX Dragons Charmander. It lets me pull off a big Rage attack. No Energy Removal Gym is my second line of defense against ER/SER.

My pokemon were selected under two criteria:

1. Fire to fuel Charizard
2. Diverse secondary types to add some flavor to the deck (its what I'd do in the game if I did a monofire run-through). I tried to use the best version of those dual fire types.

The Trainer lineup is something I've been back-and-forth about; should I try making room for the Trapper Engine over the Lass/Gyms or keep those? This Trapper Engine is:

4 The Rocket's Trap
3 Rocket's Sneak Attack
2 Imposter Oak's Revenge.

Effectively played, you wipe out your opponent's hand, though if they have a Cleffa, it'd be for naught.

Thank you for looking and hopefully fixing/fine-tuning the trainers. :cool: