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[Unlimited] Burning Outrage (needs division in thread title)


Zoroark Master
Yo people.....i have come to ask if my deck is actually good.....its good for Free-Play i guess....heres the list....:
Pokemon : 20
2-2-2 Emboar (1 Ability)
1 Reshiram
1-1 Simisear
2-2-1 Scolipede
1 Charizard G
1 Giratina (28/127)
1 Mr Mime 4
1 Rayquaza C (Stall)
1 Raticate G (For its Find)
1 Bouffalant (#91)

T/S/S : 18
Poke. Comms. x2
Energy Search x2
Energy Retuner
Team Rocket's Trickery
FSL x2
Lux. Ball
Lucians Aggreement
Prof. Juniper x2
Mc's Chatter
Sages Training
Moo Moo Milk
Energy Retreaval

Energys : 22
11 Fire
11 Psychic

This deck is about getting Reshiram and Emboar out using draring cards for energys to use Emboar's Ability so Reshiram can use Blue Flare and Outrage.
Mr. Mime 4 is in here for its Magic Heal....Whadddya Think?
RE: [Unlimited] Burning Outrage

Well, this deck looks too cluttered. Some of the lines don't even make sense. For instance, Simisear, Scolipede, Charizard G, Giratina, Mr. Mime 4, Rayquaza C, and Raticate G don't make sense in this deck. Take them all out. And add more Reshiram. It's the main attacker of the deck, anyways. Bring that line up to four. Now, back to your trainer line. You have too many random trainers. There are certain staples that make this format. For instance, Pokemon Collector and Rare Candy are good examples. Make sure to run multiples of good cards. Your trainer line should look like this:

3 Pokemon Collector
3 Rare Candy
4 Energy Retrieval
3 Interviewer's Questions
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Revive
2 Fisherman
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Flower Shop Lady

That way, you have a good chance of drawing into what you need. And now to your energy line. 22 is way too many, even for this deck. I'd say cut the 11 Psychic, add 4 Rescue Energy and 2 DCE (For Bulffoulant). And, you need some backup Pokemon, like a starter. Like, four Smeargle.

Overall changes:

-1-1 Simisage
-2-2-1 Scolipede
-1 Charizard G
-1 Giratina
-1 Mr. Mime 4
-1 Rayquaza C
-1 Raticate G
-2 Energy Search
-1 Energy Returner
-1 Team Rocket's Trickery
-2 FSL (what is this card?)
-1 Luxury Ball
-1 Lucian's Assignment
-2 Prof. Juniper
-1 Switch
-1 MC's Chatter
-1 Sages Training
-1 Moo Moo Milk
-11 Psychic Energy
-37 Total

+3 Reshiram
+4 Smeargle
+3 Pokemon Collector
+3 Rare Candy
+3 Energy Retrieval
+3 Interviewer's Questions
+1 Pokemon Communication
+2 Revive
+2 Fisherman
+3 Professor Oak's New Theory
+3 Burned Tower
+1 Flower Shop Lady
+4 Rescue Energy
+2 Double Colorless Energy
+37 Total

I hope this helps!
For most decks this format, dual type decks don't work that great. Type coverage alone doesn't hold water in this fast-paced metagame. Decks need Synergy to work, like Reshiram and Emboar have. Everything else has to be support. Some decks don't even need supporting Pokemon, like this one. All this deck needs is a good trainer line, which this deck has room for. And to be honest, there aren't that many good psychic Pokemon in rotation at the moment. Reuniclus, Gengar Prime, and Mew Prime are about the only established Psychic cards in the metagame right now. And none of those cards have synergy with ANY fire types at the moment. So, go ahead and build a fire-psychic deck if you wish, I can't stop you, but it won't be very competitive.
well what decmaster is making alot of sense i know you are just playing for fun but let me tell you when you get competive play down it will be loads of fun and yes dual types are really not helping i have tried before and its really hard to play correctly so if you would please consider using decmasters advice,it would help you in the future.
Please, for the love of God, do what Decmaster says. He's outlined a very simple build that will net you the most consistency and power. Your list is far too "all over the place" and will never get you what you want in terms of consistency.