4- Trapinch (Rising Rival)
3- Vibrava (DR)
2- Flygon (Rising Rival)
1- Flygon Ex Delta 92/101
1- Flygon Level X
3- Pidgey (Triumphant)
2- Pidgeotto (Delta)
3- Pidgeot (EX Delta)
1-1- Claydol (GE)
1- Azelf (LA)
4 Castaway (Ex Crystal Guardians)
3 Expert Belt
4 Rare Candy (Pokemon Breeder FTW!)
3 Proffesor Juniper
2 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
5 Psychic
5 Electric
4 Holon Energy
Set up the Pidgeot on the bench to stop thier set up with an active trapinch to start. Level up the trapinch to either flygon and then have the level x as a back up against any bench level x techs, (Shaymin, Heatran etc.) Everything else is pretty explanatory. Any questions and comments please ask.
4- Trapinch (Rising Rival)
3- Vibrava (DR)
2- Flygon (Rising Rival)
1- Flygon Ex Delta 92/101
1- Flygon Level X
3- Pidgey (Triumphant)
2- Pidgeotto (Delta)
3- Pidgeot (EX Delta)
1-1- Claydol (GE)
1- Azelf (LA)
4 Castaway (Ex Crystal Guardians)
3 Expert Belt
4 Rare Candy (Pokemon Breeder FTW!)
3 Proffesor Juniper
2 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
5 Psychic
5 Electric
4 Holon Energy
Set up the Pidgeot on the bench to stop thier set up with an active trapinch to start. Level up the trapinch to either flygon and then have the level x as a back up against any bench level x techs, (Shaymin, Heatran etc.) Everything else is pretty explanatory. Any questions and comments please ask.