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Unlimited Tyranitar Deck (on a budget)


Aspiring Trainer
Put this together for about £20, quite happy with it for that reason xP

Pokemon (19):
3-3-1 Tyranitar (Prime)
1-1 Darkrai Lvl. X
2-2 Zoroark (Foul play)
1 Stantler
2 Druddigon
1 Absol (Prime)
2 Tyrogue
Trainers/Supporters (29):
2 Copycat
4 Prof. Juniper
4 Cheren
1 Black Belt
2 Flower Shop Lady
1 Energy Retrieval
2 Sage's Training
1 Luxury Ball
1 Max Potion
1 Junk Arm
4 Pokemon Communication
1 Switch
1 Evoluter
1 Rocky Helmet
1 N
2 Prof. Elm's Training Method
Energy (12) :
6 Basic Dark
4 Special Dark
1 Cyclone Energy

I'd love to have 4 DCE, Rare Candies and another 1-2 tyranitars but they are costly, any affordable techs you guys can think of? :>
Broken time space? Throw in more pokemon searching trainers and some draw trainers and it should work fine.. Personally I think ur budget is kinda too low if u can't even afford 4 DCE and at least 1 more tyranitars.. No offense..
If your limit was only £20 then should of set your sights on some lower value cards. For example, the regular Tyranitar UL. It would have costed you much less in the long run in terms of making this deck, or heck seeing as this is an Unlimited deck Tyranitar (Stormfront) would have been much better, as it's easy to charge and if your opponents decks utilises alot of poké-powers then Tyranitar can pretty much charge itself, thanks to its Poké-Body (it attaches basic {D} energy from the discard pile to itself) My friend does just that, though i won't post his list as it won't help you much.

There are many cheap unlimited options though, you just have to look around (Troll and Toad is one place)

Claydol (Great Encounters) - This card provides amazing draw power and setting up 2 of these will keep you going all game.
Tyranitar (Unleashed) - If you can't afford the Prime, get the Holo. with Darkrai lvX it can be a beast and it' very cheap
PokéBall - It may not see play competitively, but on a budget it's decent.
Double Rainbow Energy - In Unlimted this is one of the better cards to play in evolution based decks
Expert Belt (Arceus) - Gives any pokemon it's attached to +20HP and it attacks deal 20 more damage, at a cost.

I could go on with low costing suggestions but i'd rather not. Honestly you could have built a near proper built Durant deck for £20 if not less. Cinccino would have been another good option to go for. Take a look at all possible routes before you put all your egg into one basket and spend all your money building an incomplete deck.

If you want i can build you a low cost Unlimted Tyranitar based deck? If so i'll just PM you the list.