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Aspiring Trainer
What is a good way to use shaymin land form lv. X and leafeon lv. X in a dp on format. Thanks. Also, what is the best dp on unlimited deck. Rs on? Finally, could someone provide me with a list of GG that is updated with hgss and friends. DP on please. Much appreciated. thanks
Hmm... I'll list all the important stuff.

3-3-1 Leafeon lvX (RR Leafeon / CCF Eevee)
0-1 Espeon MD
2-2-2 Sceptile GE
3-3 Claydol GE
1-1 Shaymin lvX
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf

4 Broken Time-Space
2 Expert Belt


Sceptile GE makes all {G} energy count a {G}{G} which is essential for dealing massive damage with Verdant Dance. Expert Belt + Espeon MD + Landmin lvX gives Leafeon 190HP. Broken Time-Space+Claydol and a well structured T/S/S line will allow you to get everything you need by T2. (Theoretically)

As for the best deck in an Unlimited DP-On format, well, with access to Broken Time-Space, Claydol GE and DCE you have quite alot of possibilities: You could potentially set up a Gyarados T1 swinging for 110 damage for zero energy (3 magikarp in discard pile + Expert belt). Have complete board-control and shut off your opponents ability to use Poké-Powers with Gardevoir SW (Gardevoir lvX + Palkia lvX = Board control for numerous turns). You would have access to SP decks and Junk Arm, that pretty much speak for itself. Or you could just go SableDonk and just win T1 80% of the time.

As for RS-On decks? well anything half decent becomes potentially broken or just broken. Lets just say that You could set up Lugia ex (Unseen Forces) in 2 turns and keep up that Elemental Blast for at least 4 turns straight, though 6 turns would not be hard. (Lugia ex + Holons Electrode/Magneton + Typhlosion Prime/Blastoise ex)
This post was extremely helpful. Thanks! :D:D:D I will definitely look into sceptile. Thanks again!
EDIT: Im quite interested in the gardevoir/palkia idea. How exactly does it work?



Once you have both cards on the field, the first thing you should always do is to use Palkia lvX's Restructure. Your opponent will choose one of your bench pokemon to bring active and you can choose one of your opponents benched pokemon to bring active. Ideally you want to bring forward either a threat-in-the-making or something you can easily KO. if your opponent brings foward something like Claydol use Teleportation to switch Gardevoir lvX with Claydol. The downside is that Gardevoir lvX will have to be the main focus of this deck as it always has to Teleportation to the active spot. The good thing is that you now can now control the tempo of the game.
Ok, so I have this list of GG. It's dp on, but I need some help updating it with hgss and bw cards. Any and all help is appreciated.
4-2-3-1 Gardevoir lv. X
2 Gallade
2-2 Claydol
2 Uxie
1-0-1 Machamp
1 Unown G
1 Azelf

4 Roseannes
3 Bebes
1 Lucian's assignment
1 Luxury ball
4 Rare Candy
4 Poke healer
2 Warp point
1 Night maintenance
4 Junk arm

4 Call
4 Psychic

Netdecking ftw! Anyway, some cards I was thinking of are collector, catcher, DCE, cleffa, pichu, and maybe an op'd basic or two. The problem is, I have no expirence with the deck and I have no idea what to take out. Please help. Thanks.
I'd take out the Weavile line with its special darks for some speeding through that deck. You'll definitely want that Junk Arm in there.
Just noticed Boltevoir won 2010 worlds. Does that operate better than GG? Is it better in a dp on format? I don't even understand how the deck works.
Boltvier was just a silly name. It's still GG but with Dusknoir for bench control as well as being adapted to the format it was in. Alot of the cards included are pretty simple to understand

You do realise that Machamp was just an anti-meta tech to combat SP decks which were pretty much everywhere. Don't think it will work just as well in your deck unless you know that alot of people play SP decks at your league. No need for any sort of bench tech aside from Claydol unless you feel that something else would provide good support.

-1 Lucian's Assignment
-1-0-1 Machamp
-1 Unown G
-1 Uxie
-2 Junk Arm (your list is not incredibly realiant on the reuse of many trainers)

+2 Expert Belt
+2 Pokemon Communication
+1 Unown Q
+1 Chatot MD
+1 *insert card here* (mind is a blank)

Despite Gallade being a heavy-hitter in the deck you'll rarely use it as the constant trainer lock is much better to aim for unless you feel you wish to change up the game plan and just go aggro Gallade early game. Expert is definately needed as the damage boost to Psychic Lock and the added HP are great for turning 3HKOs into 2HKOs and surving hits too. Unown Q - when attached to a pokemon, gives that pokemon 1 {C} less retreat cost which is good if you start with an Azelf or Baltoy and don't want to waste an energy attachment getting it back to the bench. Chatot MD = Cleffa HGSS. Pokemon Communication for more search as you have access to amazing search cards, so use them.
4-2-3-1 Gardevoir lv. X
2 Gallade
2-2 Claydol
1 Uxie
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf
1 Chatot

4 Roseannes
3 Bebes
1 Luxury ball
4 Rare Candy
4 Poke healer
2 Warp point
1 Night maintenance
2 Junk arm
2 Expert Belt
2 Pokemon Communication

4 Call
4 Psychic

I kept the second Gallade because I love it. Other than that, I followed all the other suggestions. Thanks! Is there anyone else with advice?