Ruling Unown G vs Pachirisu


Never Satisfied
If I have Unown G attached to my active pok3mon and my opponent attacks with Pachirisu's Smash Short attack making it discard a poketool attached to my Pokemon and doing 10+30 would Unown G be discarded or would it prevent the discardment but the Pokemon its still attached to take 40?
Pachirisu does 40 damage. You do, after all, have a Tool attached. You can't prevent something that's part of damage calculation.

Unown G stays attached because the discarding of the tool is an effect done to your Pokemon by an opponent's attack, which is exactly what Unown G prevents.

Lastly, your opponent doesn't get to discard anything from your hand. Pachirisu says to "discard all Pokemon Tool cards with the same name". But Unown G isn't considered a Tool in your hand, only after you put it into play and use its Power to attach it to something.
but the 30 aditional damage is an effect of the opponents attack....wouldnt unown prevent it, and make the damage 10?