Unown G


Aspiring Trainer
Yes, this is the most game breaking card available that EVERY DECK SHOULD AT LEAST PLAY. Well, it depends on your format though.

The format is now DP-on and windstorm is gone with the wind. So imagine yourself as a froslass player and your enemy slams an unown G to one of his main attackers, what are you gonna do about it? Your deck will be rendered useless and when I mean useless I mean unable to do any significant damage while your opponent dreams away taking prize after prize. Your only dfense would be warp point but even so it would make little difference because he's gonna retreat again.

Yes, I know starting with a lone unown is a nearly confirmed loss but it's worth it if you don't. Last nats, I played unown G amongs so many others who didn't just because I was playing blissey and there are so many GG around. Now, nearly everyone plays this card because the format has lots of froslass, azelf and a possible chance of gliscor.

So any ideas how to counter unown G?
Uhh, Unown G would only stop Froslass from sleeping the Active. Placing the damage counters is an effect on each seperate benched Pokemon, which Unown G doesn't block (unless you have an Unown G attached to each benched Pokemon). But yes, Unown G is pretty powerful. The only counter I can think of is raw power. :/
Heheh. Unown G ruins my Gengar DP Deck.

Which is why I run Pachi, which both damages them AND discards G.
And a fair amount of decks play Pachi :\

Your deck's not really rendered useless, you can still attack and spread damage and you can just use warp point if you really need it. Disadvantage of unown G is that you can't move him freely.
You can tech in linoone GE too to move unown G to weaker opponent's pokemon.
Zelos said:
I assume that would mean Electivire lv X also doesn't discard Unown G?

No, it does not.

An additional note: you only gain Pulse Barrier's protection effect if you discard at least one Tool or Stadium.
Techically, no; you can't remove this guy currently from this format.

Although he can't prevent other effects that aren't part of the attack - like Gliscor LV.X's Shoot Poison, there's no windstorm to remove this guy. Pachi can't do it because, its effect is part of an attack.
airconditioning said:
Uhh, Unown G would only stop Froslass from sleeping the Active. Placing the damage counters is an effect on each seperate benched Pokemon, which Unown G doesn't block (unless you have an Unown G attached to each benched Pokemon). But yes, Unown G is pretty powerful. The only counter I can think of is raw power. :/

Froslass depends a lot on sleeping. I mean, the only reason people play froslass above any other sweeper because it can stall an extra turn there, maybe even two, just by sleep. Or else I'd rather play vibrava or even prinplup DP.

Oh well, some nice decks don't rely on 'raw power' like you said but yeah, I just have to live with the fact that unown G is going to bug me for quite some time. Hope they remake windstorm. Then we all don't have to play stadiums just to counter dusknoir x.