Welcome to the Unpopular Opinions thread!
Here you will post about your opinions on Pokemon..that others probably don't agree with. This thread can be used with all mediums of Pokemon discussions; VG, TCG, anime, etc.
Zubat is one of my favorite Pokemon because it evolves into Crobat.
Proceed with telling us about the things you like that the rest of us don't!
(it should go without saying that you shouldn't bash other people's opinions; the whole point of this thread is to let people reveal their opinions)
Here you will post about your opinions on Pokemon..that others probably don't agree with. This thread can be used with all mediums of Pokemon discussions; VG, TCG, anime, etc.
Zubat is one of my favorite Pokemon because it evolves into Crobat.
Proceed with telling us about the things you like that the rest of us don't!
(it should go without saying that you shouldn't bash other people's opinions; the whole point of this thread is to let people reveal their opinions)