Until Death do us Part (Fan-fic)

Do you think Ash and Dawn make a cute couple ?

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The Blonde Brainiac
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NOTE: 100 percent Pearlshipping !

Chapter 1--Until Death do us Part

Brock, for some mysterious reason, left Ash and Dawn to return to Pewter. Ash had 8 Badges and Dawn 5 ribbons. They were going to Jubilife so Dawn could compete in the Grand Festival.

"Wow, I can'te believe I got to the Grand Festival !" Dawn exclaimed
"Yeah, you did good, Dawn" Ash said, putting his hand on her shoulder. Dawn blushed whenever Ash put his hand ner her or if Ash talked to her. Dawn rushed into the bathrooms and changed into her contest dress. She ran back in a beautiful blue dress. It matched her hair prefectly. Ash stood there, face bright red
"Yo-you-you look great !" Ash studdered, his face bright red. Pikachu was laughing at Ash's reaction. Dawn kissed Ash and whispered, "Thank you". Ash's thoughts were racing through his mind,
"Why did Dawn kiss me, ME off all people ?" Suddenly, it struck him, "Maybe we're meant to be together" Ash ran out and ran to the Jubilife Mall. As he returned Dawn was looking for him as the Contest was about to start. Dawn and Pachirisu impressed the crowd and the judges, but was it enough to advance to Round 2 ? Find Out !

END Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Dawn had made it through to the next round, but was unhappy that she had to face Zoey again
"Dawn, don't get all uptight, she'll take that and use it for her advantage" Ash said
"You're right Ash, I won't let her beat me this time !" Dawn replied. They walked into the Pokemon Center
"Nurse Joy, could we have TWO rooms ?" Ash questioned
"I'm sorry, I only have one room, and there's only one bed" Nurse Joy replied
"Oh man, but we'll take it" Ash said
"Good, here's the room key !" Nurse Joy said, smiling

They entered the room, it had only ONE bed, like Nurse Joy said
"Dawn, you can take the bed, I'll take the floor" Ash said
"Hold up Ash, what are ya, afraid to sleep with a girl ?" Dawn said, putting her hands on her hips
"No, I just wanted to know if you wanted the bed" Ash said, face turning red
"Oh Ash, I'm just kidding around !" Dawn said, giggling. Ash breathed a sigh of relief. Dawn went into the shower and when she came back Ash and Pikachu were sleeping on the bed
"They looks so cute like that" Dawn said quietly. She got up next to Ash. But this caused poor Pikachu to fall off the bed. But Pikachu was to alseep to notice he got kicked out of bed

END Chapter 2
NOT AGAIN... just kidding. Its good, but, once again, I'm not a big fan of romance. Not bad, but, I won't vote in the poll probably, only because I can't decide whether I like it or not!
i like it
funny,i never thought about AshxDawn
does anyone die?
*reads story name*
hopeful not.
before it ends up like mine.
oh and Ash ketchup,you were right about mine.
WAY too romantic!!
( that one was AshxMay to the most)
No mushy-gushy lovey-dovey stuff, ash, but it's a fan-fic where Ash and Dawn have secret "crushes" on one another

The GIFT ? Oh well, it will come into play at the end of the Grand Festival, no beacuse when you get married you say "Until Death do us Part" or something like that...

Chapter 3 Coming Soon !
I play with my words here, I piece together the story by developing the people's characters. So what if I am a boy ? Boys can make romance novels, not saying this will be one, but you get my point....
Chapter 3--Settling a very old Score

As Day 2 of the Grand Festival came, Dawn and Zoey were the first matchup. Zoey sent out Glameow, and Dawn countered with Pachirisu

With 1 minute left and Zoey holding a slight advantage, Pachirisu unleashed a powerful Spark. It lit up Glameow and it fell to the ground. Dawn had beaten her rival once and for all.

"That was great, Dawn !" Ash said
"Yeah, it was" Dawn replied. And so Dawn was onyl two rounds away from the Grand Festival trophy, but would fate have the last laugh ? Find out !

END Chapter 3 (sorry it's so short)
Chapter 4--Love in Full Bloom

Ash was eying Dawn intentively. Dawn had made it to the final round of the Grand Festival
"Now, take it easy, Dawn" Ash said, calmly
"I just can't believe it, I'm in the final round of the Grand Festival, and it's my first time !" Dawn replied

Dawn ran onto the floor and sent out Piplup and Pachirisu, her opponent sent out a Rhydon and a Milotic
"Come on Dawn ! You can do it !" Ash shouted
"All right, time to prove that I CAN win something big !" Dawn thought to herself
"And go !" the MC shouted
"Piplup, Hydro Pump and Pachirisu Thunderbolt !" Dawn ordered. The Hydro Pump hit Rhydon and did a lot of damage. Thunderbolt hit Milotic and sent Milotic onto the ground. Dawn's opponent lost half of his points and he didn't even attack !
"Great Dawn !" Ash shouted
"Rhydon, Megahorn and Milotic Water Spout !" the man ordered
"Piplup, use Bubblebeam on Rhydon and Pachirisu use Spark on Milotic !" Dawn ordered. The two perfected their moves and Rhydon was Knocked Out. 2 minutes to go, and the man's Milotic was beaten up
"Pachirisu Discharge and Piplup Protect !" Dawn ordered.
"Discharge hits all Pokemon on the field, and with Piplup protecting itself it won't get hurt" Dawn thought to herself. Milotic reeled after being struck by Discharge
"Now, Mirror Coat" the man ordered. The Mirror Coat hit Pachirisu and Knocked it Out.

20 seconds left....
"Piplup flip and bounce onto Milotic !" Dawn ordered. Piplup did just that and as time expired, Dawn had pointed out her opponent and won the Ribbon Cup !. As she got the trophy, Ash raced down and kneeled in front of her. Curious, Dawn wanted to know what he was doing. He pulled out....

END Chapter 4 !
Chapter 5--Happy Marriage !

Continuing from where the left off....

As if the suspense wasn't bad enough, everyone in the Stadium was on pins and needles. Ash had pulled out a wedding ring ! (Yeah, I said it). Dawn burst into tears as she nodded her head. Everyone chered and the two had a lovely ceremony in the field in Prof. Oak Lab. Brock found a seat next to Mrs. Ketchum abnd the two began a conversation
"Oh I can't believe it ! My little boy's all grown up !" Mrs. Ketchum said, crying
"Yeah, but why Dawn ?" Brock questioned
"I don't care who he marries, as long as he marries some girl, I'm fine with that !" Mrs. Ketchum replied

Dawn and Ash spent their honeymmon on an island of the Sinnoh coast. They were going to live in Dawn's house, but Dawn's mother wanted them to pay the rent. And Dawn didn't want to since she didn't have a job. But Mrs. Ketchum welcomed the young couple into her house

Dawn started out as Prof. Oak's assistant Professor, having a dream one day she would be the Porfessor and hand out Pokemon to her kids and the kids all over the town. Ash was the Gym Leader in Viridian until Dawn came in and became Gym Leader. And so, the lives of Mrs and Mr. Dawn and Ash Ketchum began. One with new and more challenging challenges ahead of them !

END Chapter 5 !
Wow, that was fast. He didn't know Dawn very long. Ummmm... that was odd. (No offense). Just kind of quick. And where's Brock come in?!
They sent out invitations to all of Ash's family (father didn't come) and Dawn's (father didn't come) and friends so, Misty, May, Brock all them were invitied
Misty May and Dawn should've fighted :D. That would've been interesting.

Ok story. VERY sudden. Ash just kneel's down at one moment and asks for marriage?? Also, they're too young to get married... (I know... I know.. fan-fic. But, 13 and 10??)