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UPDATED 2/26! Lots to trade! Want Gothitelles, Catcher, more!

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RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

I think I want to hang on to Dialga though. I could give you 96 and the Promo (red and green) on if that works with you.
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

I'm interested in your UD Primes and KGL Bottom. I have a Drapion LV.X an a Shaymin LV.X. If you want to CML for more or offer, feel free.
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

xPOKEFREAK72x - The #96 would be great. Are any of your other Arceus X's from packs? I would prefer a pack version over the promo if available. Oh, and you can PM me to confirm as well. Thanks! Cheryl

Yoshidude10 - I'm sorry, but I don't see anything else that I'm interested in.
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

xPOKEFREAK72x - Great, thanks! I look forward to confirming the trade with you.

Shiny Shinx - I have the following from your wants:

1x Warp Energy RH
4x Miasma Valley PL
2x Vullaby BW
1x Metang SV
1x Beldum SV
2x Skarmory FB

and I could trade this as well: Holo League Redemption Energy OPEN BUT MINT PACK OF 6 x1

Please let me know what we could do. I'm not really too interested in the Palkia G Lv. Xs as I already have a lot of them.
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

Okay, so
Your: Warp Energy RH
4x Miasma Valley
2x Vullaby
1x Metang
1x Beldum
2x Skarmory FB
pack of holo Energy

My: 2x Dialga G X
2x Garchomp C X
Staraptor FB X
Metagross EX

PM me if it's good.

RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

Shiny Shinx - Could you replace either one of the Dialga G's or Garchomp C's with the Regirock EX? If so, you have a deal.
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

Um, does that mean you don't want to trade? I'm a little confused. If there was nothing you saw from my list, could I possibly get something else, like one or two UD Primes?
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

Yoshidude10 - Sorry, I should have worded that more clearly. The two Lv. Xs wouldn't be enough for any of the cards you want. I only value the Lv. Xs at a dollar or two at most.
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

Hi I live in the UK, please CML for Noctowl (hgss) x2, Floatzel (UL) x2, Stantler (UL) x2 and Slowking (HGSS) x1.
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

plz cml for your

JPN Vending Promos (Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime, Gastly, Gengar, Bellsprout, Extra Rule)

JPN Aqua Magma:
014 - Arcanine holo
020 - Magma's Houndoom holo
039 - Aqua's Manectric holo

JPN Crystal Guardians:
003 - Venusaur holo 1st ed.
049 - Blastoise d holo 1st ed.

Are the Team aqua and magma cards also in 1st edition?
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

Tyranodon - I like these:

Absol Prime x1
Feraligatr Prime (booster) x2
Charizard g level x (booster) x1
Kyogre + Groudon legend top x1

Please make an offer?

Linux - Do you have a list? I don't see one. And no, the Team Aqua and Magma cards are not 1st. ed. Was there a 1st ed. print run for that set?
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

How about my Feraligatr prime and charizard g level x for the Noctowl x2, Slowking, Floatzel x2 and Stantler x2?
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

Tyranodon - Thanks, but I'll have to pass. I would need the trade to be larger/better for the postage to be worth sending to the UK. You could send 2 cards in a regular envelope, where I would need to send mine in a bubble envelope (cost $2.50+)
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

Please CML for Alph Lithograph 1.
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

Darkvoid57 - I like your Yanmega, Kingdra, and Lanturn Primes. Still not really sure that I'd want to do a 1 card trade, though.
RE: MAJOR Update 5/11! Bring me all your EXs and Lv. Xs! Lots of stuff listed!

Arcanine EX
Celebi EX POP2

500x bulk common/uncommon

I also have a Zard EX I'd trade for a decent offer of bulk cards.
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