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Updated DialgaChomp


Master of Weather
Yet another DialgaChomp for the masses to view.

Dialga G x3
Dialga G Lv. X
Garchomp C x2
Garchomp C Lv. X x2
Uxie x2
Uxie Lv. X
Unown Q
Crobat G
Bronzong G
Dragonite FB
Murkrow x2
Honchkrow SV x2

Cyrus's Conspiracy x4
Poke Turn x4
Energy Gain x3
SP Radar x2
Energy Exchanger x2
Bebe's Search
Luxury Ball
Expert Belt
Aaron's Collection
VS Seeker
Power Spray x3
Pokemon Collector x2
Pokemon Communication

Special Metal Energy x4
Warp Energy x2
Call Energy
Dark Energy x2
Double Colorless Energy x4

Took out:
Toxicroak G
Promocroak G
Cythnia's Guidance

Drifblim FB
Luxury Ball
Power Spray

Took out:
Drifblim FB

Ok, so this is your basic DialgaChomp. Pretty standard, with a few twists. I am playing Honchkrow for the LostGar tech, Dragonite FB for the mirror and LuxChomp, and the Toxicroak G for Machamp SF, I have a friend who plays a great version of the deck. Let me know if these are the right plays or better ones, like I guess I could put an Unown G in place of the Toxicroak G, lmk. Thanks for the help.
RE: DialgaChomp

Make sure you run the Murkrow with Switcharoo, i can't remember its set. I always like having 4 collectors in any SP deck and 4 call energies.
RE: DialgaChomp

Sleeping Snorlax:
As do I, i just can't seem to fit them. Right now I am running:
SP Radar x2
Bebe x1
Communication x1
Collector x2
Cynthia x1
Call Energy x1
Total= 8 Searchers, I would like more, but what do I cut?
RE: DialgaChomp

Toxicroak, 1 darkness energy are two choices. If you cut Promocroak, that also lets you cut the psychic, which means you can run roserade GL for poison and have an extra slot free. I hardly see people run cynthia's seriously, that's something you could take out for a better search card. The expert belt isn't really needed in SP decks. Honchkrow, which I run, can do 80 damage (+weakness) which can one shot gengar. Let me know if you need more input.
RE: DialgaChomp

Yeah I agree I could cut the Cynthia's. Right now I am trying to tech for a couple of decks, mostly LuxChomp, LostGar and any deck that uses the Machamp SF. The Belt I like to make the Dialga G Lv X almost impossible to kill. I cam see what you are saying about the Honchkrow. Another thing I was toying with was putting in Absol G and Lv. X, thoughts?
RE: DialgaChomp

I've never tried Absol G, i personally run InferChomp and I won't stray from it. Honchkrow is a gengar/gyrados/machamp counter. Gengar is weak to it, gyrados loses magikarp to it, and it is resistant to fighting. Luxchomp you won't need to worry about if you had 4 sprays... Plus with pokemon catcher coming out, Every deck will be able to choose it's target, not just LuxChomp. And you are right about the belt on dialga and it being even more so harder to kill. If you are afraid of Machamp, you have Uxie lvl X who can one shot with a crobat drop and DCE.
RE: DialgaChomp

The Machamp I am worried about is the one from Stormfront, the one with Take Down, one shots a SP.
RE: DialgaChomp

I know, but he can't one shot a Honchkrow, and you send out Uxie lvl X and you can one shot Machamp. That would cripple him, unless he has one one the bench ready. No matter what you will have trouble when facing SF machamp decks, but IMO honchkrow and Uxie X are the best counters for him. unless you want to run Drifblim, but that's two cards you would have to make room for -yuck-
Edit: but hey, feel free to PM with more questions. I really need to get to bed. If not, I'll check your thread later today.
RE: DialgaChomp

Yea, that is very true. I have never liked running croak because it makes you have to have an extra useless energy. But just PM if you want more ideas or what not and Good Luck.