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Updated TyRam list(w/ Kingdra Prime tech)

The Yoshi

This is my new TyRam list. After watching The J-Wittz's video for Worlds, I thought Kingdra Prime was a cool idea. I've also taken out Ninetales, due to the deck's continued success at Worlds without Ninetales(but a heavy Supporter line). Here's the list:

4 Reshiram BW
4-2-4 Typhlosion Prime (HGSS-HGSS-Prime)
1-0-1 Kingdra Prime (Hey Tyraniking, how about you tell me what set the Horsea is from?)
1 Manaphy UL
Total Pokemon: 17

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Rare Candy
4 Junk Arm
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Sage's Training
2 Pluspower
2 Professor Juniper
1 Defender
1 Engineer's Adjustments
Total T/S/S: 31

10 Fire Energy
2 Rescue Energy
Total Energy: 12

The general strategy of this deck is to attack with Reshiram while having a conistent re-charge of energy with Typhlosion Prime. Manaphy is very nice for hand refresh early game, to help bad starts. Maxing out Rare Candy, Pokemon Communication, Pokemon Collector, Junk Arm, and PONT ensures that I can always draw into it when I need it. Kingdra Prime takes the place of Pluspower to get rid of Typhlosions(after a double Spray Splash), opposing Reshiram and Zekroms, and babies. Pokemon Catcher is for cheap prizes, and the Engineer's Adjustments can get an energy in the discard early game. Defender is great for the mirror matchup, and Switch is nice when I need to get something out of the Active. The Rescue Energies are for recovering the Reshirams for a revenge kill. Finally, Sage's Training and Professor Juniper are for great drawpower.

All help is appreciated!


Changes so far:

- 1 Switch

+ 1 Pokemon Catcher
Please include the set of the Cyndaquil in your first post. Thanks :D

/me expects a comment about how I always seemingly only post about pre-evos nobody cares about.
^Arent the HS and CL cyndaquil the same card aside from art work??

Also good list, but i have to wonder how often you can actually get a 1-0-1 line out. How often is it possible? Also how is your LostGar match up with so many Evolutions?, i.e. 4 Typhlosions, mosts lists have 3 of the line.
Tyraniking, why do you care about the Cyndaquils this dude uses? Oh.. Because the CL Cyndaquil can get killed by Linear Attack. D;

^^ The HG and CL are way different. One has 60 HP and the other has 40 HP with different attacks.

I think you may want to max out Catcher. That's going to be a huge card in the upcoming format, and i think you should drop the 1 Switch, and something else for it. I'm not exactly sure of what, since this list is very tight.
I don't think Kingdra Prime is a very good idea in this deck..
Just because people at worlds did good without Ninetales, doesn't mean it's the best way to play it. Ninetales gives you a way to get the fire in the discard.
I would recommend playing a 2-2 line of it at least..
oops, my bad... good catch on the CL, HS cyndaquil

Edit: I'm going to try out this list and see how I do :D, let you know soon
@Tyraniking: I'm using the HGSS Cyndaquil. There is so much more I'd love to say to right now, but I'm going to hold it back because I may get warned for spam. Come at me bro

@LegosLock: I know what you mean. At first it sounded like a bad idea, but then I tried it and it's quite good. Feel free to try it out and let me know how you like/dislike it, but getting energy in the discard has been a breeze simply by Blue Flaring T3 and/or Engineer's Adjustments to Blue Flare T2 (w/ one Typhlosion). The reason I don't use Ninetales is because of Catcher. The card gives this deck enough of a problem already, so playing more Basics makes this worse than ever. I may just remove Kingdra and just max out the Pluspower line, but for now:

- 1 Switch

+ 1 Pokemon Catcher

Thanks for the suggestion! :D

@Minty88: Cool, let me know how you do with it.