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Ursaring Prime/ Slowking (Ursaking) Masters, Any


Aspiring Trainer
4-4 ursaring prime
2-2 slowking
4 sableye
3-1 uxie

-------------------- 20 --------------------
3 Initiativve
3 energy exchanger
4 collector
2 bebes
4 comm
3 seeker
3 Belts
1 Premier ball
-------------------- 28 --------------------
4 Rainbow
4 Sp. Dark
--------------------Total: 60 --------------------

Strategy: Set up Ursaring Prime, using his first attack to discard the top card of your opponent’s deck, which you determine by using slowking’s Second Sight. Activate Berserk by using Rainbow Energy, and get your opponent’s hand down using initiatives and Team Rocket’s Trickery. Either drought your opponent of energy or search cards, depending on their deck. Sableye for the turn 1 Initiative.
RE: Ursaring Prime/ Slowking (Ursaking)

You don't need 4 pokemon collectors, with 2 you will be fine.

Also, most of the decks runs a line of 2-1 Uxie Lv. X. And I also think that you will be fine with 2 Expert Belts.

There you have 4 spaces. You can add Luxury Ball or Twins (use Sableye to build up and get killed, then use Twins). If your strategy is drought opponent's hand, you should consider running Giratina Lv. X (just an opinion, maybe is not that useful).
RE: Ursaring Prime/ Slowking (Ursaking)

4 Pokemon collector is for boosted consistency, 3 Belts = 6 prizes and I need it to hit for 110, which is the magic number for SP lvl X's, the extra Uxie is again for consistency purposes

Twins clogs your hand if you're winning, Giratina makes the deck way too clunky, and luxury ball is unnecessary with a high collector/ Communication count
Why would you use pokemon communication over luxury ball? I think that almost every deck should have one luxury ball since it's essentially a free search. With pokemon communication, you have to trade one pokemon from your hand to search, but luxury ball lets you do it for free (assuming you only run one, so there is no risk of having one in your discard pile).
I run this EXACT SAME DECK, sans Uxie X. Premier Ball isn't necessary. You'll draw into Uxie X eventually and you don't want more trainers than you need. Also, Team Rockets Trickery is a really REALLY terrible card. You can do much better. Cyrus's Initiative, although flippier, is a much better choice, so maximize your line of them. Since your opponent gets to choose which card to discard with TRT, it's automatically sub-par in a disruptive deck.

Here's my thing with TRT. Because this deck is so dependent on getting rid of any and all hand refresh/shuffle power in your opponents hand, allowing your opponent to choose what he/she discard simply can't be allowed. Even if it takes more resources to discard it yourself, it's absolutely worth it. Your opponent could discard something they could get back like an energy, or they could discard a dead-draw card, or something to that effect. It's just not worth it, and you won't dissrupt them at all, in fact, you'll actually help them out by thinning out their hand.

3 Belts is overkill. Ursaring is extremely fragile, and will die quite often. Only belt it if you absolutely have to. 2 belts allows me to do this easily. Since you already run 3 Seeker, a nice option if you so choose is Weavile with "Claw Snag." It lets you choose a card to discard from your opponents hand. I run a 2-2 line. It can also use your Special {D} NRG to snipe the bench.

One more thing: A great "super secret tech" for this deck is Rotom UD. With 2 Slowking's set up, you can second sight them, then second sight yourself, put something you don't need on top, and Mischievous Trick it to your prizes. You can also attach Rainbow and snipe the bench for MASSIVE damage with Plasma Arrow. Key targets are Feraligatr Prime that's been Rain Dancing all game, Scizor Prime getting set up on the bench(This deck's pretty much autoloss), or even Typhlosion Prime with Afterburn damage already on it, making for an easy kill. Send it up after Ursaring eats it, and get yourself a free prize!