So, I traded for a Palkia G Lv.X today out of boredom, and I wanted to know what combos well with this? I saw something at my league that had Bronzong G in it, I'm not sure what the rest is though.
Zyflair said:You could also use Palkia G as a main attacker. Fit in a bunch of Uxies, Crobat G, Spiritombs, and all the put-hand-down effect Pokemon you feel like in your deck. You can use Lost Cyclone to remove them and then put more down each turn. Pearl Press itself is a decent attack with Energy Gain.
Zyflair said:Where's the synergy with Palkia G?
Zyflair said:I don't get it. How do they help Palkia G?
Ampha-pwn77 said:So, could it fit in a Heavy-hitting Drapion deck, for getting rid of weaviles and such that I am done with?
Juliacoolo said:I'd play ludicolo, or empoleon. Ludicolo is beast.