uselessness of tree ex

trade yours to me since they are so useless ; )

who cares if it loses to 1 deck no matter how popular it is...
its a good cardm that will get better whenever DP3 gets released in america
Master of the six kings said:
No card is useless. Blazekin ex CG has proved the only acception. And which one? There are 2, both are good, but not great.

Probably he's talking about Shiftry ex(PK) since Shiftry ex(CG) is better than the PK version...
But then...

Shiftry EX whacks cards with the same name. Doesn't that own in decks with only 1-2 Pokémon on the field?

Shiftry EX CG, rather, hits Power users, which Mario and Krickitune have none of.
You don't forcefully have to use a deck based on shiftry only...

Shiftry CG will continue to see play, I can assure that.
Tree... looses to Noob decks... Hands down....

But it does realy well against R-gon, Electivire, anydeck with a Power.... Any deck that runs powers will striggle with a good shiftry build....
Let's look at the pros and cons of him:

Shiftry ex pk:
Hes weak to mario and quicketune
Infercatty can hurt it because they usually don't have pokemon in their hand
Many decks play the same type of pokemon (especially quicketune)

Shiftry ex Cg:
Weak to Mario and T2 Kricketune
Doesn't do enough sniping damage to kill some of the stronger pomemon.

Dark eyes kills Infercatty,Electavire, and R-gon.
Still able to do a solid 70.
Free retreat.
Lieutenant Houndoom said:
Remove the Fighting AND the Grass weakness. Not going to be OHKO'd by those guys again.

Oh sorry, I totally forgot about the Blastoise δ. I thought he was talking about the Water type Blastoise... :p