Username Changes?

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Aspiring Trainer
Is it possible for me to get a username change? I made this name back in my n00b days and I really don't like it, but I cba making a new account.
RE: H0w 2 usrname

If you could possibly delete the account you may be allowed to make a new one.
RE: H0w 2 usrname

Why would you not want to be the King of Altaria's? :p
If you have any small questions like this in the future, always refer the rules.
I hope he got your message, pokemon99. ;)

btw, read the rules next time. You clearly did not because you would've noticed multiple accounts are not allowed.
We are not allowing username changes at this time. Please choose your username carefully before creating an account. This question also could've been asked in the Simple Questions thread.
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