Uxie LA price?


Aspiring Trainer
Move if in wrong place

What is the price of uxie la and uxie la RH?

why is the price going up so much ?

Will the price go up more when claydol is rotated out?

thanks abc537
Uxie (normal-LA): about AUD$20+
Uxie (Rev.Holo-LA): about AUD$25+

As for Claydol's I'd say it'll drop in price when it's rotated out (ATM it goes for AUD$30+)
Its more around:

LA normal - AUD$12ish
LA RH - AUD$20ish

Claydol RH is $30, although I sold one last week for $10
IMO when claydol is rotated out,uxie will get more costly.

@shinx,we posted at nearly the same time.
Uxie LA $15
RH $25

If claydol gets rotated it will increase in demand thus price will increase but dont threat im pretty sure they wont rotate GE