Ruling Uxie LA Question


Confessed Gleek
I apologize deeply if this was asked before; I ran a forum search and checked compendium and the FAQs here, but found nothing, so here goes:

If I play an Uxie from my hand to the bench during the original match setup (i.e., when you draw 7 cards, place prizes, etc., if I wasn't explaining myself correctly), can I still use its Poke-power on my first turn?

Possible example:
I have a basic and an Uxie in my hand at the start of the match. I put the basic as my active, and Uxie on my bench. On the coin flip, I wind up going second. Would I still be able to use Set Up, or have I fundamentally misunderstood the rules of the TCG?

Thanks in advance, and even more apologies if I missed this thread already (I'm trying to be a humble and respectful new member).
No. It's only when you play it from your hand when the game starts.
To clarify,

"Once during your turn, when you put Uxie from your hand onto your bench, you may draw cards until you have 7 cards in your hand."

Set-up does not count as during your turn (or anyone's turn, really). Set-up includes everything done before Turn 1 (drawing your first hand, setting initial Active and Benched Pokemon, and setting prizes).
Thanks a lot! I was pretty sure that I wouldn't want to play it during set up anyway, but this sealed it.