"Uxie LA Staying for Next Format Change"

Soul of Blaziken

"Soul of Power"
I have came to conclusion that since Uxie la with be remade as a promo does that mean uxie will stay for another format change. I think i'm corrrect but please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyways looks like draw power stays. Yay!
Actually, it doesn't matter what kind of promo it is. Most likely it will be a "reprint" of the LA with holo patterning, but even if it's a black star it can be excluded easily.
It could also just be a regular uxie LA with holo. If that is the case, it will most likely stay with LA.
ApachePrime said:
Actually, it doesn't matter what kind of promo it is. Most likely it will be a "reprint" of the LA with holo patterning, but even if it's a black star it can be excluded easily.

... It matters entirely on what kind of promo/reprint it is. If it is a blackstar, it probably won't get rotated.
Amaterasu said:
... It matters entirely on what kind of promo/reprint it is. If it is a blackstar, it probably won't get rotated.

I disagree. If the point is to rotate LA, Uxie will go with it as the Japanese havn't had this reprint opportunity. There is a reason Black Star promos have #'s. OP can control which ones can and cannot be played. Each event has a range, and they can simply add a ", #" to the range. Eg: 1-35, 40.

The point is moot anyway, as it is most likely a LA reprint with a holo pattern applied. We've had it confirmed to NOT be new art, so this makes the most sense.
it probably does matter. i remember a couple of years ago right before the set rotation pokemon re-released typhlosion ex, meganium ex and swampert ex in tins or decks or something. a month later they were rotated out with the others.
I've already checked the official website and the expansion symbol on Uxie LA is infact LA. So no none of the promos being printed for League are Black Star.
Card Slinger J said:
I've already checked the official website and the expansion symbol on Uxie LA is infact LA. So no none of the promos being printed for League are Black Star.

the only thing is, that may not matter when it comes time for rotation...we never know what POP is going to do, until they do it...very few people were able to call that they weren't gonna rotate this year...while you see what you see now, it may not be the same when you see it actually in your hand

btw (off topic)...if you wanna have a chance in the running for a good rating this year, you need to make to the BR at GC, Cities at GC, and the spring BR at GC