

Cynthia is <3
Who here is addicted to holo cards?
i, never enter a tournanent, wether it may be official or unnoficial, without using an all holo deck, including commons, uncommons, trainers and most especially energies[EM ones] :p i'm so vain >: D
RE:  Vanity

bacon-boy said:
Ok, I'm not even going to ask how expensive putting that deck together was lol
If that was directed to my post, I don't have an all holo deck:p
Nah, it was aimed at Kravenace :)

Wonder what the most expensive deck of all time is...?
i use to play a guy in magic online that had a few all holo foil decks. and i'm not talking cheap ones either. . .he usually ran a deck that i calculate costed him at least 1000 bucks. (for those of you who play mtgo, he ran foil mongers, foil orims, foil deeds. . .lol it was sick).
hehe i always get jealous of people like this. but i also love playing against them, becuase it's awesome to beat such pricey decks. :D
I never ran a deck with all holo cards, but I know it's hard for me. I mean getting common and uncommon holo cards is really hard for me to do.
i wish i could. i <3 holo, but i can never get teh all holo cards for it.

I am trying to though, and i'm getting closer.

but yes i'm addicted:)

Arcanine out.
my current deck is all reverse holo [cept for exs and rare holos]
since i'm addicted to naruto i register my deck in this name :
Ninpou Kuchiyose No Jutsu : Politoed
RE:  Vanity

kravenace said:
my current deck is all reverse holo [cept for exs and rare holos]
since i'm addicted to naruto i register my deck in this name :
Ninpou Kuchiyose No Jutsu : Politoed
i'm guessing it's Polistall. . .

That's not really a deck that's hard to create all-holo for, compared to others.

a hard one would be. . . LBS and . . . MMS. basically the same things though :p

Arcanine out.
haha, the most expensive deck with all holo is most probally ZRE !
juz think of how many exs are there in the deck + reverse cards ^.^
Arcanine 274 said:
kravenace said:
my current deck is all reverse holo [cept for exs and rare holos]
since i'm addicted to naruto i register my deck in this name :
Ninpou Kuchiyose No Jutsu : Politoed
i'm guessing it's Polistall. . .

That's not really a deck that's hard to create all-holo for, compared to others.

a hard one would be. . . LBS and . . . MMS. basically the same things though :p

Arcanine out.


wrong guess! polistall suck! i have my own style!