Wi-Fi Trades Veritas Trading Thread. Also provides IV breeding service

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The invisible user
Welcome to my trade thread! See something you like? You can have it in no time. Also, I can clone anything listed so feel free to ask for multiples. All are untrained and legit unless stated otherwise.

Also, because I have many dittos with max IV's, on request I can IV breed any pokemon. However, my limit is any 2 stats because maxing out 3 stats is very difficult. If you are dissatisfied with my IV breeding or I have made a mistake, I will IV breed it again and throw in another IV bred pokemon

My friend code: 4340 9174 5130

Event Pokemon:
Michina Arceus Lv.100 knows Spacial Rend, Roar of Time, Shadow Force and Judgement. Lax or Rash
Alamos Darkrai Lv.50 knows Spacial Rend, Roar of Time, Hypnosis and Nightmare. Lonely or Rash
Oaks Letter Shaymin Lv.30. Hasty and completely untrained
Draco Meteor Jirachi. Lv.5. (There is still one I haven't picked up from one of my games so it can be any nature) plus Timid already with pokerus or a trained Jolly Jirachi with max speed and attack plus 4 HP
Notched Ear Pichu
Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs Manaphy (still have not picked up so can be any nature)
Pokemon Ranger Guardian Sign Erupting Heatran not transferred from ranger yet (although I believe it's nature locked on quiet)
Wifi Mew Lv.5 Jolly

Noteworthy Potential in Competitive Play
Heatran Lv.50 Timid
Pokemon Ranger Shaymin Lv.30 Modest with Max IV's in special attack
Azelf Lv.50 Naive
Latios Lv.50 Timid
Mesprit Lv.50 Timid
Many dittos with one max IV stat (can be used for IV breeding)

Pokemon obtained through trades
Mew Lv.30 Lax and arrived from Hoenn
Manaphy Lv.1 Timid
Jirachi Lv.5 Serious OT WISHMKR

Trained pokemon that can be cloned and berry fixed
Cresselia Lv.57 Bold with Max IV in Special Defense (Trained as max HP and defense plus 4 HP)
Heatran Lv.79 Naive with Max IV in Special Attack (Trained as Max Sp.att and speed plus 4 in [i think] HP)
Weavile Lv.56 Jolly with Max IV in Attack (Trained as Max attack and speed plus 4 in HP)

Also have all legendaries except Celebi and Deoxys (but I do have the Deoxys Mission saved on Ranger, I just have to do it =])

Also have special items. Includes the EV items, Lucky Egg, many multiples of choice band/specs/scarf. I have many leftovers plus the stat boost berries.

Suicune (preferably bold or timid)
Any shinies but will give more for shiny legendaries
Celebi (bold or timid but any Celebi is a good Celebi[minus hacked ones])
Calm Cressselia
Far-out....how meny times do I have to say this.
Anyways, CML for the Manaphy egg.
I would love a FEMALE Ralts with max sp att and whatever other stat that would be good for competitive. With Willo Wisp preferably.

How does your service work? What would we exchange?
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