Wi-Fi Trades vernsaetern's Trading Center

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Pokemon Addict

Contact Information:
AIM: ilaiktwurtles
MSN: [email protected]

Friend Code:

3481 7088 6389

All the Pokemon for trade are LEGIT.

Only looking for items in my WANTED ITEMS list, any Pokemon traded with the item will be fine.

Shiny/Unique for trade:
Lv. 50 - UT Shiny Zapdos - Calm - PKRS
Lv. 70 - UT Shiny Lugia - Gentle
Lv. 70 - UT Shiny Mewtwo - Quiet - PKRS
Lv. 45 - UT Shiny Ho-Oh - Mild - PKRS
Lv. 41 - Shiny Suicune - Hardy - PKRS
Lv. 40 - UT Shiny Latios [M] - Impish
Lv. 35 - UT Shiny Tentacruel [F] - Relaxed
Lv. 20 - UT Shiny Golduck [M] - Docile
Lv. 6 - UT Shiny Metapod [M] - Mild
Lv. 10 - UT Pokewalker VT+Surf Pikachu [F] - Hardy
Lv. 12 - Pokewalker VT+Fake out Pikachu [F] - Lax
Lv. 18 - Pokewalker Flying Pikachu [M] - Calm
Lv. 100 - EV trained PBR Electivire [M] - Adamant - PKRS
Lv. 50 - PBR Magmortar [F] - Modest
+ more to come! :)

Regular Pokemon for trade:
Lv. 35 - UT Latias [F] - Jolly
Lv. 50 - UT Articuno - Docile
Lv. 40 - UT Entei - Sassy
Lv. 40 - UT Raikou - Adamant

Wanted Pokemon:
-- None yet.

Wanted Items:
Heart Scales
Evolution Stones
I've got a mater ball.
CML to see what you like me to attach it to you (breedables only).
I can give you a bagon, gible, or eevee holding a master ball for the shiny Lugia. They are all untrained and legit. Pm me if you are interested, and I'll arrange a time for the trade. If necessary, I will trade you another pokemon. This is in pokemon pearl, but I can trade them to platinum or soulsilver first.
versaetern said:
Yeah, about 4k+ SR's. Used my only Master ball on it after using all my regular balls xD.
Ok, I'll PM you when I can & I'm able to trade.
I would like to trade for that Electrivire if it hasn't been hacked. My trade thread is in my signature. In fact I could trade today if you want. I have a level 57 evtrained heracross. Thank you!
I'm interested in these shinies from you:
Lugia, Latios, Golduck, and Metapod.

My shop link is in my signature, but it's quite outdated. If you want something that isn't listed (event or shiny) I can see if I have it.
What Evolution stones are you looking for?

I would like to trade for the shiny Metapod, the shiny Ho-Oh, and the shiny Suicune.

Also I may have a few heart scales and masterballs, but the masterballs (also some rare Candies) are from an AR diamond (all of my other games and items and pokemon are completely legit, and pkrs).

Let me know what you want for those guys.
I'm looking for all evo. stones. My main wants are heartscales/master balls. Thanks. :)

Any item in my wanted list would be fine[if you have it], thank you.

Yeah, it's legit; do you have any of the items in my list? I would prefer that over the Heracross
Um, if you're sure that's what you want. I'll probably be able to trade Saturday or Sunday, permitting that I hve nothing else to do.
I have a variety of evolution stones. What ones do you need? Also what are it's ev's and does it have the normal moves? Thank you!
I am ready to trade the shiny Lugia for my Gible (ut) holding a masterball. I will check this thread every 30 minutes from now for your reply, so you should check around that time too. My friend code for Pokemon Pearl is 0002 8180 1622. My game name is Patrick, and I have your Heartgold friend code. Thanks very much. :D my name is in all caps.
I have 2x Moon Stones, a dawn stone, and if your looking to get these items i have a up-grade for a porygon-z and a reaper cloth for dusknoir. ill trade you any of these if you have a bagon/shelgon/salamance, or beldum/metang/metagross. Or any hoenn or sinnoh starters. PM i can trade any time.

I have all evolution stones and I also have several Heart Scales. I'm interested in the shiny Zapdos and the shiny Tentacruel.
Interested in Lv. 35 - UT Latias [F] - Jolly

I have all the items you need, and can breed any pokemon for you
interested in your fly and surf pikaChu. I can breed perfects IV'd shiny pokemon. Please PM me
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