Ruling VERY VERY newby question


Aspiring Trainer
so whats the difference between pokebodys and pokepowers? i kind of understand the concept of pokebodys, but im confused with pokepowers. can you use it only once in the entire time your active pokemon is being used, or just once during every turn?? can someone answer this specifically?
it depends most powers can be used once a turn and there are some that can only be used once the card says u can only use this power once per turn means u can use it next turn
pikakid88 said:
it depends most powers can be used once a turn and there are some that can only be used once the card says u can only use this power once per turn means u can use it next turn

That was quite confusing...

It's actually all very simple:

Poké-Powers: Can be used at your discretion. Optional.

Poké-Bodies: Are mandatory if their criteria is met. Forced.
/me sighs

Lets see if I can shed some more light on the subject.

A PokeBody is always on. There is no choice to use it, well... there may be a few exceptions, but otherwise it is always on. Considering you have said you know how PokeBodies work, I will not go into them anymore.

A PokePower on the other hand, you CHOSE to use. If it says Once during your turn, then you may use it once during that specific turn. Once your next turn rolls around you may use it again. If it says Once during your turn, then later on, You may only use one "Name of Power Here" PokePower per turn, then you can only use that specific Power ONCE that turn. For instence, if you have 2 Pidgeot FRLG out, with the PokePower Quick Search, you may only use one. There are some Powers that say: As many times as you like during your turn you may use this Power. An example of this is Electivire from DP, you can move as many Lightning Energy as you like from your other Pokemon to Electivire. Every turn the "counter" of sorts for your Powers resets, so if you used a Power one turn, your next turn you may use it again.

Hope that helps.
yep..definitely does help! and the second responce also gives a nice basic explination..the first one is totally confusing. my question is though, if you use the pokepower once are you able to use it the next turn?
/me sighs again.

Yes, there is nothing restircting the number of times you can use a power throughout the course of the game. If a power says you may use it once a turn, you may use it only one time THAT TURN, but come the next turn, you may use it again. Every power is able to be used again the next turn, unless there is something in play such as Cessation Crystal that doesnt allow a or both players to use their powers. In that case, you MAY NOT use any Powers because that card or some effect (Example: Gardevoirs attack Psychic Lock) prohibits the use of a, some of, or all of your Powers.
There are also the "coming into play powers" that only activate once. Like Zapdos ex/Moltres ex/Articuno ex from FRLG, the Legendary Ascent Power can only be used when you play the birds to the bench. That power on that specific card, while it is in play can never be used again. If you were able to put it back into your hand or deck, then when you play the card, you can use the power again.
