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Vespiquen Cities Senior


Gengar Man
4-2/2 Vespiquen SF UD
2-2 Cherrim SF
1-1 Metapod HGSS
2-2 Sunflora HGSS
3 Unown P
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
1 Porygon-Z G
4 unown R
Pokemon 26

2 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
2 Seeker
2 Cynthia's Feelings
1 Palmers contribution
4 Memory Berry
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
T/S/S 24

8 {G}
2 Warp Energy
Energy 10

Hit with Vespiquen SF Metapod to stop weakness Cherrim to add grass damage
Try using Combee UD as your main attacker...

i.e. Ditch the cherrim, add 4 memory berry, and an Unown P or two. from there get a vespiquen UD set up on the bench and damage it with Unown P, then get a Vespiquen SF up front with a Memory Berry and an energy and use Enraged Assault as your primary attack. It's 80 and poison for only one energy. It can hit fast if you are willing to lose Combees.
Another thought I had: Fire isn't all that big in the format, so Metapod isn't all that important. I think you would be better served with Sunflora HGSS for it's search power.
AceBlade is actually right, fire isn't all that big in the format. Not too many people run Charizard, and any deck that has Blaziken in it will be able to beat this deck with other ways besides Blaziken as well. However, if you do run across a rouge Blaziken PL or Charizard AR deck, be prepared to be eaten for lunch. It's really up to you on keeping or ditching Metapod HGSS.
I would say to run only 1-1 metapod HGSS since it's not really needed in most match ups but if you go vs a fire deck it might save you. Then you could add in 1-1 sunflora line to get a higher chance of setting up while under trainer lock.

-1-1 metapod( isn't all that needed,occasianally used.)
+1-1 sunflora HGSS
-1 cynthia's feelings
+1 memory berry
-2-2 Cherrim SF
-1 Unown P
-4 TRT (what does this stand for????)
-4 PlusPower
-4 Poke Drawer +
-2 E-Belt
-2 Grass
-2 Warp Energy

+4 unown R
+4 pokemon rescue
+1 Memory Berry
+1 Porygon-Z G
+4 Rainbow Energy
+3 Super Scoop Up
+2 Pokemon Contest Hall
+1 palmers contribution
+1 bebes search
+2 Pokemon Collector
+1 seeker
+1 twins

my changes make your deck more consistent and better vs trainer lock, also recovery. im assuming all your combees are UD well switch one for 1 SF honey comebee it will help trust me.