Discussion Vespiquen deck viability


Aspiring Trainer
Can a vespiquen deck without a Shaymin be competitive in standard format?
I want to build one with Evee and Jolteon , Vaporeon, and Flareon to help exploit weakness, but I'm not sure it is worth trying if Shaymin is a needed component.
I think it would be very hard for it to do so because you need to draw cards quickly so you an hit your needed cards like DCE or Special Charge. Without the Shaymin, you may feel like you're a turn or two behind the entire match.
I think it would be very hard for it to do so because you need to draw cards quickly so you an hit your needed cards like DCE or Special Charge. Without the Shaymin, you may feel like you're a turn or two behind the entire match.
Do you think, Lillie or Orangaro, Kukui would be cards that would help, even Prof Birch, I sometimes feel that this game is on an uneven scale, as to having certain cards to be even mildly competative, my kids run some good decks, heck most of the good cards go to them but I draw the line at paying $40 for a Shaymin.
You want to see a lot of cards on your first turn so you want non-supporter draw in addition to your supporter for the turn. You should be playing Unown but if you can draw your hand down to nothing, then Oranguro should work but it isn't a replacement for Shaymin-EX. I have a friend who plays with Vespiquen/Zebstrika and he tried Oranguru and said he didn't like it - that it felt slow but you can try it.

You may need to bite the bullet on the Shaymin-EX and get yourself two of them.
1st - Shaymin can be had for less than $40 (eBay)
2nd - find someone willing to trade. I got my first 2 by trading SUM SRs week after pre-release
3rd - Vespiquen is NOT competitive without minimum 3 Shaymin.

Shaymin isnt just to draw support, its to draw support into discards (fuel the Bee Revenge). Have to get Ultra Ball & Sycamore early and often.

You can still play with the deck, and kaybe have fun. But you are essentially guaranteeing a Dead Draw and will be losing more than you win against competitive players.
Can a vespiquen deck without a Shaymin be competitive in standard format?
I want to build one with Evee and Jolteon , Vaporeon, and Flareon to help exploit weakness, but I'm not sure it is worth trying if Shaymin is a needed component.

I think if you are uninterested in getting the Shaymins to run Vespiquen, then I would probably suggest looking into other decks that don't require them. Example: Greninja doesn't require them and is a *somewhat* budget friendly deck. Another deck that can get away without Shaymins (but isn't as competitive without them) is a Xerneas Break deck. It is the type of deck that can stack energy quickly to fuel Xerneas Break's attack with or without Shaymin. If you are looking for something competitive that isn't running Shaymin though, Greninja is the best of that list.

Edit: I also have a friend who runs a Volcanion / Delphox Break deck that is pretty strong and quite cheap to put together. It is a slower deck and you would need to modify it to remove XY Delphox and replace it with something else (there is only one of them), but it does well. If you are interested in that, I can PM it to you.
I think if you are uninterested in getting the Shaymins to run Vespiquen, then I would probably suggest looking into other decks that don't require them. Example: Greninja doesn't require them and is a *somewhat* budget friendly deck. Another deck that can get away without Shaymins (but isn't as competitive without them) is a Xerneas Break deck. It is the type of deck that can stack energy quickly to fuel Xerneas Break's attack with or without Shaymin. If you are looking for something competitive that isn't running Shaymin though, Greninja is the best of that list.

Edit: I also have a friend who runs a Volcanion / Delphox Break deck that is pretty strong and quite cheap to put together. It is a slower deck and you would need to modify it to remove XY Delphox and replace it with something else (there is only one of them), but it does well. If you are interested in that, I can PM it to you.
Hello, I would be interested in the volcanion / delphox break deck, I have all the components for that, I tried running a Delphox Break deck , it seemed slow but if I get the cards quickly it is very strong,
