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Standard Vespiquen / Eeveelutions


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (23):
  • 1 Bunnelby PRC
  • 1 Lugia EX
  • 3 Eevee (Energy Evolution)
  • 1 Vaporeon
  • 1 Jolteon
  • 2 Flareon
  • 2 Shaymin EX
  • 4 Combee
  • 4 Vespiquen
  • 4 Unown
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (30):
  • 2 Trainers' Mail
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 4 Level Ball
  • 4 Battle Compressor
  • 1 Hex Maniac
  • 1 Teammates
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 2 Shauna
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Forest of Giant Plants
Energy (7):
  • 1 Lightning Energy
  • 2 Fire Energy
  • 4 DCE

For those who don't know, the strategy of this deck involves filling the drop for Vespiquen's 'Bee Revenge' attack, and using the eeveelutions to capitalise on type advantages.

I have been testing Vespiquen/Eeveelutions for a while and this is the current build I am at. Whilst there are no huge problems with it, I am questioning a couple of choices within the deck, namely:

1) Whether or not I should keep Lugia in. I like having a secondary attacker, but it is rarely used, and often costs me prizes.
2) Whether or not I should play Vaporeon. I like playing it just in case I end up running into a rogue fire deck or something, but most games it just ends up being compressored away. I am considering dropping for another Jolteon, as there are a couple of Ray players locally.

Other suggestions are also very appreciated :3
I too run Bunnelby in 2 of my decks and understand its inherent value to those decks. In your case, I suspect you use it primarily to recover discarded DCEs; but you are doing so at the expense of a prize perhaps? Since you are not playing any AZ, Cassius, Escape Rope, Sacred Ash, nor Switch cards, I'd recommend replacing it.

In IMO, the Lugia EX is a distraction away from the main focus of your deck, as well as a huge target for those players who prey upon L-weak Pokémon. Further, should it be Lysandre'd to the active position, you'll need to expend potentially costly, unplanned resources to bench or attack with it. In either case, you may lose time and momentum. Since you are not playing any AZ, Cassius, Escape Rope, nor Switch cards, I'd recommend replacing it.

Given the above comments, following are some suggested deck changes for your consideration:

-1 Bunnelby
-1 Lugia EX

+1 Eevee
+1 L / R basic energy

Lastly, although 4 Battle Compressors maximizes your chances of drawing into 1, I believe 3 are quite sufficient for dumping the needed cards into your discard pile given you current card draw and dumping engine. On the other hand, a 4th VS Seeker, as a replacement to the 4th BC, may be more useful and undoubtedly more versatile.

I hope you find these comments helpful.