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Standard Vespiquen V2 (With Garbodor)


Aspiring Trainer
My attempt at a Vespiquen/Raichu was a huge failure so I looked at more deck lists and found garbodor as an option.

4 Combee
3 Vespiquen ( I dont own a fourth)
4 Klefki
4 Unown
3 Garbodor (Trashalanche)
3 Trubbish (Acid Spray)
1 Remoraid
1 Octillery
1 Eevee (Sun and Moon)
1 Vaporeon
1 Flareon
1 N
4 Professor Sycamore
1 Lysandre
1 Lillie
4 Ultra Ball
3 VS Seeker
1 Forest of Giant Plants
1 Parallel City
1 Float Stone
2 Choice Band
1 Acro Bike
2 Trainers' Mail
2 Special Charge
1 Rescue Stretcher
1 Field Blower

I got second in a tournement with this deck.
Also, Kudos to my friend Zach who has lent me 1 Sycamore, 1 Acro Bike, 1 N, 1 VS Seeker.