4 vespriqueen
4 combee
4 klefki
2 wobbefet
4 shaymin ex
1 sableye
1 asualt vest
2 revitaliser
4 ultra ball
4 acro bike
1 float stone
4 battle compressor
3 vs seeker
1 special charge
3 proffesor sycamore
2 n
1 lysandre
3 forest of giant plants
2 parelel city
1 dark energy
4 dce
This has been a really popular deck through the years and i think it has a lot of potential you might want to get rid of the parelel city or dark energy for more draw support but i feel like sbleye is important and you can use parele on urself to get rid of shaymins
4 combee
4 klefki
2 wobbefet
4 shaymin ex
1 sableye
1 asualt vest
2 revitaliser
4 ultra ball
4 acro bike
1 float stone
4 battle compressor
3 vs seeker
1 special charge
3 proffesor sycamore
2 n
1 lysandre
3 forest of giant plants
2 parelel city
1 dark energy
4 dce
This has been a really popular deck through the years and i think it has a lot of potential you might want to get rid of the parelel city or dark energy for more draw support but i feel like sbleye is important and you can use parele on urself to get rid of shaymins