Discussion Viability of Greninja (XY-P)


Floette is love Floette is life
How's it going everyone, I wanted to know if and how much of the new Greninja from single pack EVO blisters
Sweeps Fire toolbox with Wide Lens (ROS)
helps spread damage, making for easier knockouts with water Shrunken

needs space for Wide Lens, which is very situational
replaces BKP Greninja
Low Amounts of damage to active pokemon without setup (Muscle Band, Giovanni, Weakness)

Tell me what you guys think is Greninja worth running?


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Before it was cycled out many people did a 3/1 or 2/2 split between Breakninja and XY Ninja, so why the con thinking it would need to replace all the Breakninjas?
Before it was cycled out many people did a 3/1 or 2/2 split between Breakninja and XY Ninja, so why the con thinking it would need to replace all the Breakninjas?
I didn't mean replace all the BKP Greninja's but you can draw into it when you need a BKP Greninja :/
Not a terrible one of actually, after a 80 hit w BKP Greninja you can snipe the last 20 with XYP against a Garbodor. I'd include it for sure. The card hurts the general strategy more than it helps though, Retreat Cost and less damage over all.