Discussion Viability of Promo Pangoro


Aspiring Trainer
Would the promo Pangoro be viable to play? With skyfield it gets up to 260hp and can deal a consistent 140 w/ muscle band. The only drawback would be the poison damage but there are things like Pokémon center lady and for expanded Virizion-EX which is a concept I'm trying to make work. I'm a new player and was wondering if this was more viable than running a mega deck? Obviously it's rogue budget deck but I think it could work. Please leave some constructive criticism.
Pretty easy to put a tonne of damage on him then KO him by putting another stadium over sky field, then you can KO another one same turn with an attack. You would have to try to pair him with Ninetales to avoid that.
Also, I'm pretty sure it's Ability only works when it's Active, meaning you can kill it just by Lysandre'ing around it once you've gotten a good hit on it. Wobbuffet might also be a concern.
Pangoro would lost pretty badly to bats as on the bench it only has a 100 HP. Also as Mora said about Wobbuffet, it'd also lose to Hex Maniac as well I believe (I always want to say Silent Lab but it's only basic Pokémon.)
Pretty easy to put a tonne of damage on him then KO him by putting another stadium over sky field, then you can KO another one same turn with an attack. You would have to try to pair him with Ninetales to avoid that.
Pangoro would lost pretty badly to bats as on the bench it only has a 100 HP. Also as Mora said about Wobbuffet, it'd also lose to Hex Maniac as well I believe (I always want to say Silent Lab but it's only basic Pokémon.)

Pangoro/eeveelutions allows you too take out bats/seismitoad. Also how many ninetales if I have 3 sky field?
Pangoro/eeveelutions allows you too take out bats/seismitoad. Also how many ninetales if I have 3 sky field?

I'd say at least a 2-2 line to ensure one gets placed up. Also, it's true that eeveelutions help, but Seismitoad has a grass weakness which means only Leafeon from expanded would help. The reason I say this is because it'd be easy for them to simply bide their time and set bats up and Lysandre it away. The one advantage in standard is that it'd be harder for them to OHKO it in one go as they'd have to run Ariados to ensure a OHKO now since banded Seismitoad EX + 2 bats only equals 90 HP now and would have to wait a turn to force switch it out as well. One you had Pangoro set up I'm pretty sure you'd have a good footing against a majority of decks. Another good idea would be to run Wobbuffet to ensure you can get Pangoro set up early on so that way snipe damage doesn't hurt you.

Edit: Pancham only has 70 HP at most so Seismitoad Banded and a Bat would KO it.
I'd say at least a 2-2 line to ensure one gets placed up. Also, it's true that eeveelutions help, but Seismitoad has a grass weakness which means only Leafeon from expanded would help. The reason I say this is because it'd be easy for them to simply bide their time and set bats up and Lysandre it away. The one advantage in standard is that it'd be harder for them to OHKO it in one go as they'd have to run Ariados to ensure a OHKO now since banded Seismitoad EX + 2 bats only equals 90 HP now and would have to wait a turn to force switch it out as well. One you had Pangoro set up I'm pretty sure you'd have a good footing against a majority of decks. Another good idea would be to run Wobbuffet to ensure you can get Pangoro set up early on so that way snipe damage doesn't hurt you.

Would you like to theory craft with me?
To include Wobbuffet to stop snipe damage is questionable. What does snipe damage that Wobbuffet actually stops? Bats still work because they are also psychic.
To include Wobbuffet to stop snipe damage is questionable. What does snipe damage that Wobbuffet actually stops? Bats still work because they are also psychic.

Forretress has been on the rise too lately. It seems like most of my matches lately have involved people running Bats or Forretress. Hex Maniac would be a nice backup against Bats too.
Update: w/ XY8 we get Mr mime who negates damage to benched Pokemon preventing snipe damage from bats.

Weaknesses still include wobuffet and hex maniac who negate abilities
Update: w/ XY8 we get Mr mime who negates damage to benched Pokemon preventing snipe damage from bats.

Weaknesses still include wobuffet and hex maniac who negate abilities
Mr mime only prevents damage done via attacks not abilities.
Also I actually do have plans to make this deck sometime with Jynx FF and Ariados on the bench with fighting stadium, with fighting stadium, a single strong energy and muscle band you're dealing 120+20+20 minimum or 160 each turn, plus an additional 20 if you're fighting an EX.

Also to the people saying wobbufett is the eater of this deck's soul let me ask them how many times they've actually seen it played in their area? This seems to be the same downer train as Mega Tyranitar EX because and I quote "it's not good because it can just be double head ringered" the same logic applies to these arguments, when was the last time you actually played the card that will wreck this deck? The answer, normally not for at least 2-3 months and they're just using negative theorymon to crush a deck that could easily be quite viable if you look past said negative theorymoning.

/end rant/

Last thing Pangoro is impossible to find IRL via trades as no one buys the blisters with it over Regirock ever, to the point where I had to order 3 of mine on ebay as it was basically like playing a super rigged lottery when looking through people's cards.
Mr mime only prevents damage done via attacks not abilities.
Also I actually do have plans to make this deck sometime with Jynx FF and Ariados on the bench with fighting stadium, with fighting stadium, a single strong energy and muscle band you're dealing 120+20+20 minimum or 160 each turn, plus an additional 20 if you're fighting an EX.

Also to the people saying wobbufett is the eater of this deck's soul let me ask them how many times they've actually seen it played in their area? This seems to be the same downer train as Mega Tyranitar EX because and I quote "it's not good because it can just be double head ringered" the same logic applies to these arguments, when was the last time you actually played the card that will wreck this deck? The answer, normally not for at least 2-3 months and they're just using negative theorymon to crush a deck that could easily be quite viable if you look past said negative theorymoning.

/end rant/

Last thing Pangoro is impossible to find IRL via trades as no one buys the blisters with it over Regirock ever, to the point where I had to order 3 of mine on ebay as it was basically like playing a super rigged lottery when looking through people's cards.

Wobbufett and Hex Maniac does end Pangoro because without that HP boost, it cannot withstand a heavy hit.
Wobbufett and Hex Maniac does end Pangoro because without that HP boost, it cannot withstand a heavy hit.
I know hex maniac is played, I just can't find space for it in a lot of decks. I'm saying that wobbufett isn't in as many decks/played as much as it's being touted about in this thread. The one thing I can't get my head around in this deck is how to get all of the energy onto it. My best guess would be to use archie's blastoise with the new smeargle which I think is a combination that could make a lot of decks viable next set.
Wobbuffet / Crobat is my current Standard deck. Just throwing that out there. True it might not be that big of a deal, but it's not the only thing the deck struggles with. Wobbuffet is just one of many problems.