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Victinite (Dragonite EX / Victini EX)


I am Neos. Who are you?

  • 3 Victini EX
    3 Dragonite EX
    2 Swablu
    2 Altaria
    1 Jirachi EX

  • 4 N
    4 Sycamore
    3 Colress
    2 Lysandre

    4 Ultra Ball
    3 Hard Charm
    3 Roller Skates
    3 Muscle Band
    3 Energy Retrieval
    2 Energy Switch
    1 Startling Megaphone
    1 Scoop Up Cyclone

  • 8 Grass Energy
    4 Electric
    4 Rainbow Energy

The strategy is to power up some pokemon on the bench or a Dragonite EX with Victini, attaching 2 basic energy to your benched pokemon. Thats really the strategy. Altaria is in there for the OHKO.
RE: Victinite (Dragonite/Victini)

I have to say it just seems kind of like a waste to use Victini Ex instead of emolga Ex or Virizion ex. Mostly because it requires a whole different energy type. Granted you could then OHKO Genesect with it but really is worth it?

Emolga brings in turn 1 attack for energy acceleration and retreats to the bench and VIrizion prevents status effects and turn 2 energy acceleration.

I would advise you to drop victini for either of those.
I feel like Victini is better then Emolga, and if one were to make this deck, Virizion would be super expensive.
3 Types of energy is a lot to juggle. Maybe put in some Rainbow Energy, or something.
I've seen a deck that works like this, but is much more consistent.
You run x2-3 of Charizard EX (the one with Stoke), x2-3 of Victini (The one with Victory Star as the ability), x3-4 Dragonite EX, and a 3-3 Altaria line. You goal is to start with Charizard EX in the active and a Victini and Swablu on the bench. You then use Stoke. If it's tails, use Victini's ability to reflip. If you have 2 Victini on the bench, you odds of getting the Stoke are very high. Next, once you use Stoke, search you deck for 2 grass and 1 electric energy cards and attach them to Charizard. Next turn, try to evolve swablu into altaria, then when you're ready, lay a Dragonite EX on your bench, then use it's ability to switch him to the active, and you can have a Dragonite EX hitting for 100 on turn 2 (assuming you got at least 1 altaria - it could be 140 if you discarded an energy). Of course try to set up more altaria for more damage. Then when one Dragonite is about to die, slap another down on the bench and use its ability. This deck is legit dude. You can also tech in Shaymin EX if you want, or even 1 copy of Virizion EX to prevent status.
thood said:
I've seen a deck that works like this, but is much more consistent.
You run x2-3 of Charizard EX (the one with Stoke), x2-3 of Victini (The one with Victory Star as the ability), x3-4 Dragonite EX, and a 3-3 Altaria line. You goal is to start with Charizard EX in the active and a Victini and Swablu on the bench. You then use Stoke. If it's tails, use Victini's ability to reflip. If you have 2 Victini on the bench, you odds of getting the Stoke are very high. Next, once you use Stoke, search you deck for 2 grass and 1 electric energy cards and attach them to Charizard. Next turn, try to evolve swablu into altaria, then when you're ready, lay a Dragonite EX on your bench, then use it's ability to switch him to the active, and you can have a Dragonite EX hitting for 100 on turn 2 (assuming you got at least 1 altaria - it could be 140 if you discarded an energy). Of course try to set up more altaria for more damage. Then when one Dragonite is about to die, slap another down on the bench and use its ability. This deck is legit dude. You can also tech in Shaymin EX if you want, or even 1 copy of Virizion EX to prevent status.

That idea is definitely very interesting; however, there a few things to consider. First of all, Victini's Ability is non-stackable, so you still only have a 75% chance of using Stoke. Also since you are attaching the Energies to the Active Pokemon, it opens you up Mewtwo / Deoxys / Yveltal doing a ton of damage to you early on. So still relying on coin flips and the potential for your opponent to completely nullify your first turn efforts, I don't feel like this is any more consistent than Victini EX,