The strategy is to power up some pokemon on the bench or a Dragonite EX with Victini, attaching 2 basic energy to your benched pokemon. Thats really the strategy. Altaria is in there for the OHKO.
3 Victini EX
3 Dragonite EX
2 Swablu
2 Altaria
1 Jirachi EX
4 N
4 Sycamore
3 Colress
2 Lysandre
4 Ultra Ball
3 Hard Charm
3 Roller Skates
3 Muscle Band
3 Energy Retrieval
2 Energy Switch
1 Startling Megaphone
1 Scoop Up Cyclone
8 Grass Energy
4 Electric
4 Rainbow Energy
The strategy is to power up some pokemon on the bench or a Dragonite EX with Victini, attaching 2 basic energy to your benched pokemon. Thats really the strategy. Altaria is in there for the OHKO.