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Victory Blade Victini EX/Gallade

Trey Harrison

Aspiring Trainer
Hello everyone this is my first Pokemon TCG deck I have ever mad I am really excited for your advice.


  • 4x Ralts
    1x Kirlia
    2x Gallade
    4x Victini EX
    2x Heatran EX
    2x Heatmor

  • 4x Prof. Juniper
    4x Rare Candy
    4x Scramble Switch
    3x Colress
    3x Super Rod
    2x Level Ball
    2x Heavy Ball
    1x Skyla
    2x N

  • 8x Fire Energy
    8x Psychic Energy
    4x Plasma Energy
The idea was that I could use Victini to charge up my Heatran and after evolving into Gallade I could move around my energies using powerful storm and Turbo energize to use Swift lunge for Gallade, Dynamite press for Heatran. This is the basic idea I know its not a very good one but it seemed like it could work.
Why is this Unlimited? I believe you got confused. Unlimited format is with EVERY CARD that has ever existed, this year's Modified/Advance format is with cards from the Black and White Base Set to all all subsequent sets including the BW Promos. And add a strategy, for us to know if something is wrong! :)
Edit: And I suggest you to either run Gallade or Heatran-EX, because each one separately are kind of complicated to put to work effectively, so if you choose to replace Heatran-EX you should change it to a couple Gardevoir or a couple Ho-oh-EX AND vary the energies. If you choose to replace the Gallade line, put in instead a Chandelure PLF line.
I think with or without Heatran, you should have the maximum 4 Gallade. If you have 4 Ralts, shoot for 4 Gallade and maybe a Gardevior if you chose to run a few Psychic Engeries, but honestly I would just go for a consistent T1 start with Victini EX, which means having all Fire Energies. Try 8 Fire and 4 Double Colorless. Use the extra space from the excess energy for 2-3 more Skyla. Also note that Scramble Switch is an AceSpec, meaning you can only have one in your deck, meaning you can't run four.