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Victreebel lock (masters, BRs)

zapdos much?

Zapdos = Beast
28 Pokemon
3-3-3 Victreebel TR
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
1-1 Shaymin lv x
2-2 Blaziken FB lv x
4 Spirtomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

15 energies
10 {G}
3 {R}
2 rescue

17 T/S/S
4 Bebe's search
3 Pokemon collector
3 Judge
2 Twins
1 Seeker
1 Palmers
1 Fisherman

My basic strategy is to lock trainers thru out the whole game then use Victreebel's attack to poison and burn the defending pokemon. Blaziken lv X is my steelix/Dialga g lv x counter and if i face umbreon UD i will just use the basic form of blaziken to fight it. I play 3 judge because it doesn't matter how many trainers are in the opponents hand. So if anything the judge will hopefully have my opponent draw into his useless trainers. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I've been testing my variant of this deck lately and it can do pretty good depending on the matchup though I don't think it's competitive enough to be Tier 1 but it's a fun deck regardless. It has the potential to beat Shuppet Donk granted you get Spiritomb AR out early game.

Gyarados and Machamp Prime variants are this decks' worst matchups, even Charizard can pick apart this deck with ease but don't let that steer you away from Victreebel's uniqueness as a lockdown deck itself. Take advantage of benched Pokemon with high retreat costs or that have less energy attached and you should do fine.

I've tried Leafeon UD in this deck and it didn't work as good cause it's basically a free prize for your Opponent IMO. Shaymin Lv. X I don't think is needed cause of the time it takes to get it out. Here's the list I'm currently running to get an idea on how to play it:

Pokemon (26)

3-2-3 Victreebel (HS Triumphant)
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
2-2 Slowking HGSS
1-1 Dodrio UD
3 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

Trainers/Supporters (20)

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Seeker
3 Bebe's Search
3 Judge
3 Memory Berry
2 Palmer's Contribution
1 Luxury Ball

Stadiums (3)

3 Broken Time-Space

Energies (11)

9 {G}
2 Rescue Energy

Deck Total: 60

You need Memory Berry out ASAP onto Victreebel in order for this deck to function because Inviting Scent on Bellsprout is an amazing attack combined with Victreebel's Poke-Body which gives the Defending Pokemon {C}{C} extra retreat meaning it adds on to whatever their retreat cost is printed on the card itself.

Don't play Vileplume until you've gotten Memory Berries attached to your Victreebel unless you have a Seeker in hand with Broken Time-Space in play to bounce Vileplume back to your hand to play your Memory Berries out then play Vileplume again for the lock.

Slowking HGSS is just amazing in this deck for Second Sight screwing up your Opponent's draws while you can Judge as well to keep the lockdown going or you can use Second Sight to draw into Seeker faster to play out your Berries to bounce the Plume back to your hand with BTS in play.

Dodrio is self-explainatory, Retreat Aid helps but it might not be necessary unless you need to switch out for free right away. You could run up to 2 Palmer's Contribution to prevent yourself from decking out cause I've almost decked myself with this deck. Hope that helps and good luck...
I haven't had s chance to play test mine out yet so after I do I will take in the considerations you just said
There are 2 articles on http://google.com/.com with variants of this deck. You can check those out for ideas to help your build. I am working on building a variant myself. I am hoping that I will be able to get the cards needed before Cities start so I can play test it before the tournament.
Yeah I looked them up already, they're decent builds. I like the use of the Victreebel LA tech with
Warp Energy to possibly help get around Machamp Prime with Burning Scent. I haven't tested it out yet but it seems like it could have some amazing potential.

I still think Slowking HGSS can help with the lockdown with Second Sight, Rescue Energy has potential in this deck as well. Unless they Lost Zone your Victreebel with Gengar Prime and they KO your Victreebel normally you can send it back with Rescue Energy and shuffle it back in with Judge while sending out another Victreebel from the bench. Sure you lose a Grass Energy If you're using Acidic Drain but you can compensate it with Palmer's later.

It stacks the odds in your favor while at the same time you're manipulating their drawpower with Slowking's Second Sight, their bench with Inviting Scent + Memory Berry with Victreebel, and their hand with Judge. Sure this deck has plenty of counters in the form of Mesprit LA, Glaceon Lv. X, and Dialga G Lv. X but it's still a fun deck to play.

Since this deck usually takes around 20 turns to achieve a win hence being a Stall deck and since the Sanctioned Tournament Time Limit is 30 minutes running Victreebel Lock at an event like Cities would be determined on who has the most or least amount of Prizes left to win. I see this deck being great for Casual League play but for the current Tournament scene not much especially with SP's still in the format.

This deck requires more than the 30 minute limit so you're taking a huge gamble especially If you're lucky enough to make the top cut with this deck at all depending on the matchup.
i still havent had a chance to play test it but i feel i made a couple good changes to my deck. I know im running 3 lv x's and that will be very hard to pull off my depending on the situation i will try to get at least one of the 2 different lv x out. the blaziken will help victreebel's attack with his pokebody as well as a steelix counter and diagla lv x counter. and the shaymin will give victreebell more hp. on saturday i will test it out for the first time and if i feel i need more changes then i will try all of your advice..
I made quite a few changes to my build If you're interested
zapdos much?

Pokemon (24)

3-2-3 Victreebel (HS Triumphant)
2-1-2 Vileplume UD
2-2 Umbreon UD
3 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Porygon-Z G

Trainers/Supporters (20)

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Seeker
4 Memory Berry
3 Bebe's Search
3 Twins
2 Palmer's Contribution

Stadiums (3)

3 Broken Time-Space

Energies (13)

6 {G}
3 {D}
4 Warp Energy

Deck Total: 60

Umbreon UD is amazing in this deck to help me setup my bench while I Moonlight Fang like crazy. You could go 2-2, I went with a 2-2 Umbreon line. 2 Palmer's is worth it cause you never know when you're gonna need some extra turns to do what the deck is designed to do. I decked myself with this deck in one game I played cause I only had 1 Palmer's and If I had another (which I do now) I probably would've turned the game around.